She will not survive if she doesnt find a bone marrow donor, Leighton says, I urge everyone to get swabbed, so Ayelet can find her perfect match. 如果找不到的话,她就活不成了。莉顿说,我希望大家都能去试一试,这样Ayelet就可能会找到适合自己的配型。
The researchers swabbed the palms of14 school officials before and after graduation. 研究人员在毕业典礼前后采集了14位校领导手掌表面细菌样本。
I swabbed his hands for blood spatter. 我采了他手上血迹的拭子。
Swabbed her hand for gsr. 用药水擦洗过她的手。
Did her DNA match the blood that you swabbed from the trunk? 她的dna跟后备箱里的血液样本相符吗?
But the Cologne we swabbed off her back is expensive. 但是她背部的古龙香水很贵。
The place was swabbed out and disinfected. 这个地方已经擦洗干净并进行了消毒。
Little Tom swabbed up the gravy with crusty bread. 小汤姆用硬面包把肉汁抹得干干净净。