But if she was a Maypole, she had beautiful roses about her head, and it is a fact that many swains were disposed to dance round her. 但如果她是五朔节花柱,那么她的脸便是鲜艳的玫瑰花,也确实有许多小伙子愿意围着她跳舞。
The shepherds's swains shall dance and sing For thy delight each May morning: If these delights thy mind may move, Then live with me and be my love. 多情的牧羊少年为博取你的青睐,每逢五月的清晨会起舞高歌:如果这些赏心乐事能打动你的芳心,来做我的爱人,同我一起生活。
American civil service rules specifically state that only United States citizens and nationals ( residents of American Samoa and Swains Island) may compete for, and be appointed to, competitive service jobs. 美国公务员法特别规定,只有美国公民和国民(美属萨摩亚和斯温斯岛的居民)才能参与竞争上岗的政府公职的竞选并担任这样的职务。