His crackdown on corruption has gone further than many imagined, though more flies have been swatted than tigers bagged. 他打击腐败的力度超过了多数人的想象,不过,拍死的苍蝇可比捕获的老虎多。
I tried to thank her but she looked annoyed at my thanks, kind of swatted me away the way she swats away the rooster who always tries to stand on her outdoor kitchen table when she's preparing lunch. 我想谢谢她,但她似乎对我的谢意感到恼火,有点想要挥我走,就像在她准备午饭时,挥赶老是站在户外餐桌上的公鸡一般。
Chief Mendez stood, and swatted at a mosquito, frowning as he glanced back and forth among the two dozen displays in Camp Currahee's control center. 门德兹军士长站起来,猛拍一只蚊子,皱着眉头从前到后在有着两打监视器的科拉希营地控制中心里查看。
His mother was so annoyed with him that she swatted his rear end. 他的妈妈被他惹恼了,狠狠地揍他的屁股。
She swatted him on the bottom with a rolled-up newspaper. 她用卷着的报纸打他的屁股。
A month ago Tony Tyler, chief executive of Cathay Pacific, swatted away concerns over a rights issue by telling analysts that things had stopped getting worse. 一个月前,国泰航空(cathaypacific)行政总裁汤彦麟(tonytyler)信誓旦旦地告诉分析师,形势已停止恶化,由此驱散了他们对配股的担忧。
He swatted a fly that was annoying him. 他猛力拍打一只搅得他心烦的苍蝇。
The edges of the handkerchief were rolled and whipped; jeans with rolled-up legs; swatted the fly with a rolled newspaper. 手绢的边上都卷曲了;裤脚卷起的牛仔裤;猛地用卷起的报纸打苍蝇。
She swatted at them absently when they landed on her arms. 当它们停在她手臂上时,她便心不在焉地拍打它们。