When many board members consider labor issues, they often think about sweatshops and famous cases like Nike that have received a lot of attention. 很多公司的董事会成员在遇到劳工问题时,往往会联想起一些著名的、引起大量公众注意的劳工纠纷案例,例如耐克公司(Nike)的“血汗工厂”事件。
Over the last decade China's manufacturing industry has undergone a huge shift in popular perception, from the home of sweatshops and wages measured in cents per day to the only high-tech powerhouse capable of producing iPads by the million. 过去10年,中国制造业在世人眼中的形象发生了翻天覆地的变化,那个日工资按美分计算的血汗工厂,现在是唯一有能力生产数百万台iPad的高科技产品制造基地。
Pants to Poverty, which makes underwear using Fair Trade-certified cotton and guaranteeing workers a decent wage, is a riposte to the sweatshops of Bangladesh. PantstoPoverty公司生产内衣所使用的棉料,通过了公平贸易(FairTrade)认证,并确保工人能拿到不错的工资。这家公司是对孟加拉共和国血汗工厂的一种反击。
Like clothing sweatshops, these are not full of managers eager to let their employees decide their own working practices. 就像制衣业的血汗工厂那样,这两类工作场所没有多少热切希望员工自己决定工作方式的经理。
Even Guangdong's shoe industry, whose ranks have sheltered many unscrupulous sweatshops, finally appears to be climbing up the value chain. 甚至连广东的制鞋业最终也在提升价值链。广东鞋业的排名掩盖了许多肆无忌惮的血汗工厂。
Would it be a shuttle for Chinese seamstresses heading off to work in Italian sweatshops? 难道它将是为中国远赴意大利血汗工厂工作的女裁缝们准备的穿梭快车?
But the sweatshops are real and so is the money. 但血汗工厂是真实存在的,而且里面涉及的钱也是真金白银。
Although some companies have won praise for labor efforts begun after outcries against sweatshops in the1990s, critics say more change in needed. 尽管一些企业在1990年呼吁减少血汗工厂后劳动者保护方面已经取得成效,但是批评人士说还需要更大的努力。
We were looking at the world's issues – environmental destruction, sweatshops, factory farms, wars over resources – and wondering which of them we should dedicate our lives to. 我们就环境破坏、血汗工厂、工厂化农场、资源争夺战等一系列世界性难题彼此交换了意见,并思考我们应该为其中的哪项伟大事业挥洒青春。
I have a bunch of sweatshops in the philippines. 我在菲律宾有不少廉价加工工厂。
Is there a better alternative to provide non-agricultural jobs than the sweatshops of cheap export production? 除廉价出口企业的血汗工厂以外,是否还有更好的非农业化出路?
Did your family work in sweatshops? 你的家人也在血汗工厂里做工?
Americans first became worried about a class divide in the late19th century, when the so-called robber barons amassed huge fortunes while immigrants toiled in sweatshops. 美国人最早对阶层区分感到担忧是在19世纪末。当时,所谓的强盗资本家聚集了巨额财富,而移民却在血汗工厂辛勤劳动。
New labor laws forced the sweatshops to evacuate, leaving SoHo a ghost town desperate for a makeover. 而新的劳工法迫使这些血汗工厂迁走了,使得苏荷区成为了一个亟需改造的弃城。
Charges levelled included Mafia Association, money laundering and tax evasion, as well as organising illegal immigration, clothing sweatshops and prostitution. 警方提出的罪名包括黑手党组织、洗钱、逃税,以及组织非法移民、血汗制衣工厂和卖淫。
The horrifying conditions in the sweatshops of the nineteenth century. 19世纪小工厂的令人毛骨悚然的工作条件。
For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West, endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth. 为了我们,他们在血汗工厂劳作,在西部原野拓荒,忍着鞭笞之痛在坚硬的土地上耕耘。
For us, they toiled in sweatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the whip and ploughed the hard earth. 为了我们,他们在血泪工厂中辛勤劳作,在西部安家,忍受着鞭笞,在荒芜的土地上日夜耕作。
She had asked to be shown some factories and we had just been around some of the shocking sweatshops. 她想参观工厂,于是我领她看了几个骇人听闻的血汗工厂。
Eighty per cent of the world's bestselling toys are manufactured in Chinese sweatshops by workers on pitiful wages, often working seven days a week. 世界上畅销玩具的八分之一产自中国的血汗工厂,而那些工人仅能拿到少得可怜的工资,甚至经常一周工作七天。
Labour inspectors in Lusaka, who monitor sweatshops, have use of only one car and recently it was broken for four months. 在卢萨卡,负责监察血汗工厂的劳动督查部门只有一辆公务车,最近已经坏了四个月了。
The problem was most acute in textile mills and garment sweatshops where large numbers of women and children were employed. 在大量雇用妇女和儿童的纺织厂和服装血汗工厂里,问题最尖锐。
So-called sweatshops, she writes, are most definitely to be welcomed and encouraged. 所谓的血汗工厂,她写道,肯定应当受到欢迎和鼓励。
According to the public as well as the scholars, working overtime is usually regarded as something bad, even one of the crimes of sweatshops. 超长的劳动在公众和学者们看来都是辛苦的,这也被视为血汗工厂的罪行之一。