Bin men and road sweepers are being turned into tour guides, trained to provide customer service and to offer pocket-sized maps to visitors who have no idea where they are. 垃圾清理工和马路清洁工正变身导游,为进行客户服务和给迷路的游客提供袖珍地图而接受训练。
Normally, when you cache individual pages, you need to expire them with sweepers. 通常,当缓存单独页面时,需要用清理器使之过期失效。
Most custom sweepers observe some model object, and based on changes, fire logic to expire one or more cache pages. 多数定制清理器都会观察某些模型对象,并根据更改击发逻辑来使一个或多个缓存页面到期失效。
To deal with complicated expiration policies, you'll write and configure custom sweepers. 要处理复杂的到期失效逻辑,将需要编写和配置定制清理器(sweeper)。
Unfortunately, many organizations treat QE team members as bug sweepers, turning them loose on an application late in the lifecycle to find defects that other team members introduced. 不幸的是,许多组织将QE团队成员视为bug清除者,在生命周期后期将他们放在一个应用软件上,让他们去查找其它团队成员引入的缺陷。
The cache expiration, and also the sweepers, work in an identical way. 缓存到期失效以及清理器的工作方式也应该相同。
I was one of those sweepers myself. 我自己就曾经扫过地。
Our street sweepers and bin men are some of the friendliest faces in town. 我们的马路清洁工和垃圾清理工是城里最友好的人群之一。
Golden lads and girls all must/ like chimney sweepers come to dust. 幸运的姑娘、小伙子们全都必须这样/就像扫烟囱的人必须接触灰尘一样。
Though they are often looked down upon by the city folk they live among for most of the year, they are sorely missed during the holiday period when people like street sweepers, delivery boys and bicycle repairmen are suddenly in short supply. 尽管他们通常为生活在同一城市的城里人所轻视,在节日其间街道清洁工、快递员和自行车修理工突然短缺时,城里人又会非常惦念他们。
German finds that, in the road, the chimney sweepers, they presage a day good luck. 德国人认定,在路上碰到了烟囱清扫工,便预示着一天要交好运。
In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers, people also enjoy hope of spring on this day. 与清明节扫墓的悲哀相反,人们在这个春光明媚的日子里,也一样是可以享受生活的。
Also, they have mechanical sweepers that come around every week. 同时,他们也派清扫机每周来这儿清扫。
Comac produces excellent quality equipment, powerful and safe scrubber dryers, sweepers, commercial and industrial vacuum cleaners and main cable and battery operated single disc machines. COMAC以生产高质量的清洁设备著称,包括强力且安全的自动洗地机,扫地机,商业及工业吸尘器和电源及电瓶驱动的单擦机。
Meanwhile, Shushan Culture Cemetery also offers free shuttles for tomb sweepers. 同时,大蜀山文化陵园还安排了专车免费接送。
Sweepers in the mill among my ancestors? 工厂里的清洁工也算我的前身吗?
The Mathematical Models on Number of Snow Sweepers 铲雪机台数的数学模型
Design of Two Vertical Bevel Gearboxes and Their Application in Driving Screw Silo Sweepers 二节垂直锥齿轮箱的设计及其在驱动扫仓绞龙中的应用
Major parameters analysis for road sweepers 扫路车主参数分析
The rear rolling drum-type sweeper have been independent research and development in recent years, which is aim at the mechanical sweepers that had been used a wide range in the domestic market. It greatly improved the cleaning performance of the mechanical sweeper. 针对国内市场曾经广泛应用的机械式清扫车,我国近年自主研发了后滚筒式清扫车,它很大程度上提高了机械式清扫车的清扫性能。