v. 扫; 打扫; 清扫; 扫去; 清除; (迅猛地)推送,吹走,冲走,带走 sweep的第三人称单数
VERB 扫;掸;打扫;清扫 If you sweep an area of floor or ground, you push dirt or rubbish off it using a brush with a long handle.
The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in... 当我走进商店的时候,店主正在扫地。
She was in the kitchen sweeping crumbs into a dust pan... 她正在厨房把面包屑扫入簸箕里。
Norma picked up the broom and began sweeping. 诺尔玛拿起扫帚开始扫了起来。
VERB 拂去;掸去 If you sweep things off something, you push them off with a quick smooth movement of your arm.
I swept rainwater off the flat top of a gravestone... 我拂去了墓碑顶上的雨水。
With a gesture of frustration, she swept the cards from the table... 她懊恼地把桌子上的牌都拂到了地上。
'Thanks friend,' he said, while sweeping the money into his pocket. “谢了,朋友,”他说着就把钱划拉进了口袋。
VERB 梳,拢(头发) If someone with long hair sweeps their hair into a particular style, they put it into that style.
...stylish ways of sweeping your hair off your face... 露出脸形的时髦发式
Her long, fine hair was swept back in a ponytail. 她长长的秀发在脑后梳成一个马尾。
V-ERG (使)(手臂)挥动 If your arm or hand sweeps in a particular direction, or if you sweep it there, it moves quickly and smoothly in that direction.
His arm swept around the room... 他伸出手臂绕着房间挥了一圈。
Daniels swept his arm over his friend's shoulder. 丹尼尔斯把胳膊搭在了他朋友的肩上。
...the long sweeping arm movements of a violinist. 小提琴演奏者的大幅度挥臂动作
Sweep is also a noun.
With one sweep of her hand she threw back the sheets. 她手一挥掀开了床单。
VERB (风、汹涌的海水等)席卷,横扫,掠过 If wind, a stormy sea, or another strong force sweeps someone or something along, it moves them quickly along.
...landslides that buried homes and swept cars into the sea... 埋没家园并把汽车卷入大海的山体滑坡
Suddenly, she was swept along by the crowd. 一时间,她被人群推搡着向前走。
VERB 将…迅速送到 If you are swept somewhere, you are taken there very quickly.
The visitors were swept past various monuments... 游客们被带着走马观花地参观了各种纪念碑。
A limousine swept her along the busy freeway to the airport. 一辆豪华轿车载着她沿着拥挤的高速公路飞速驶向机场。
VERB 扫过;掠过;疾驰而过 If something sweeps from one place to another, it moves there extremely quickly.
An icy wind swept through the streets... 一阵寒风扫过街道。
The car swept past the gate house. 汽车飞速穿过门楼。
VERB (事件、思想、信仰)迅速传播,席卷 If events, ideas, or beliefs sweep through a place, they spread quickly through it.
A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow. 流感正在莫斯科迅速蔓延。
...the wave of patriotism sweeping the country. 席卷全国的爱国主义热潮
VERB (通常指生气时)大模大样地走,趾高气扬地走 If someone sweeps into a place, they walk into it in a proud, confident way, often when they are angry.
She swept into the conference room... 她大模大样地走入会议室。
Scarlet with rage, she swept past her employer and stormed up the stairs... 她气得涨红了脸,大摇大摆地经过她的上司,冲上了楼。
The Chief turned and swept out. 机长转过身,气呼呼地夺门而去。
VERB 彻底删掉;迅速除去 If a person or thing sweeps something away or aside, they remove it quickly and completely.
The commission's conclusions sweep away a decade of denials and cover-ups... 委员会的结论将十年来的否认和掩饰无情地揭开。
In times of war, governments often sweep human rights aside... 战争时期,政府经常对人权置之不顾。
He swept the names from his mind. 他把这些名字抛诸脑后。
VERB (目光)扫视;(灯光)扫过,掠过 If lights or someone's eyes sweep an area, they move across the area from side to side.
Helicopters with searchlights swept the park which was sealed off... 直升飞机的探照灯来回扫射这个被封锁的公园。
Her gaze sweeps rapidly around the room. 她快速地扫视了一下这个房间。
VERB 蜿蜒,延伸;绵延 If land or water sweeps somewhere, it stretches out in a long, wide, curved shape.
The land sweeps away from long areas of greenery. 这块地从草木茂盛的狭长地带一直伸展开来。
...the arc of countries that sweeps down from South Korea to Indonesia. 从韩国到印度尼西亚呈弧形伸展开来的几个国家
N-COUNT (道路、河流)绵延弯曲的地带,宽广而弯曲的一长段 A sweep of land or water forms a long, wide, curved shape.
The ground fell away in a broad sweep down to the river. 转过一处大弯后,地面消失在与河水相接处。
...the great sweep of the bay. 一大片海湾
VERB 轻松赢得(竞选等) If a person or group sweeps an election or sweeps to victory, they win the election easily.
...a man who's promised to make radical changes to benefit the poor has swept the election... 承诺彻底改善贫困人口状况的候选人轻松赢得了选举。
In both republics, centre-right parties swept to power. 两个共和国的中右派政党都轻而易举地夺取了政权。
...voters nostalgic for the free-spending policies of the 1980s swept his Socialists back to power. 选民们很怀念 20 世纪 80 年代的自由支出政策,这使得社会党人轻松重夺政权。
...a sweeping victory. 一场大胜
N-COUNT 搜查;搜索;扫荡 If someone makes a sweep of a place, they search it, usually because they are looking for people who are hiding or for an illegal activity.
Two of the soldiers swiftly began making a sweep of the premises... 两名士兵立即开始搜索该建筑物。
There may be periodic police 'sweeps' of crime in the area. 警方可能对该地区的犯罪活动进行定时的“扫荡”。
N-SING 广泛性;广度 If you refer to the sweep of something, you are indicating that it includes a large number of different events, qualities, or opinions.
...the whole sweep of German social and political history. 德国社会政治的完整历史
PHRASE 掩盖;掩饰 If someone sweeps something bad or wrong under the carpet, or if they sweep it under the rug, they try to prevent people from hearing about it.
For a long time this problem has been swept under the carpet. 这一问题被掩盖了很长一段时间。
PHRASE 在(比赛中)大获全胜;横扫 If you make a clean sweep of something such as a series of games or tournaments, you win them all.
...the first club to make a clean sweep of all three trophies. 第一个将3项杯赛奖杯悉数收入囊中的俱乐部。