Then they say, 'I love sweetbreads', which are glands, but,' Tripe, oh no! 然后他们说,‘我爱吃胰脏’,胰脏是腺体,但是,‘肚子,咦,不要!
Variety meats include liver, brains, heart, kidneys, sweetbreads, and tongue. 牛杂碎碎包括肝、脑、心、肾、胸腺和舌。
You dropped your sweetbreads into the tumbrils – red tumbrils with two wheels, naturally. 你把你的小羊尾放进粪车里,自然是两个轮子的红色粪车。
Sweetbreads are the two lobes of the thymus gland located in the neck and are a tender meat. 胸腺有位于颈部的两片胸腺叶,它很嫩。
Throw in some sweetbreads, throw in some Mountain Oysters and some PSST clams! 放些小牛胰脏、放些牛睾丸和蛤!
As the animal matures, the thymus gland disappears. Sweetbreads may be broiled, fried, braised, or cooked in liquid. 当它长大后,胸腺就消失了。胸腺可心烤、炸、炖或用酒烹调。
I expected the sweetbreads to be like their name& some sort of bun with jam or brown sugar, but couldn'tsee why that would come with potatoes. 我“闻声”生意,以为“牛杂碎”是一种带果酱或红糖的小面包,但不明白它为什么会跟马铃薯一起上桌。