Now the swindlers asked for more money, silk and gold-cloth, which they required for weaving. 这两个骗子又要了很多的钱,更多的丝和金子,他们说这是为了织布的需要。
"Is it not a beautiful piece of cloth?" asked the two swindlers, showing and explaining the magnificent pattern, which, however, did not exist. 两个骗子问。他们指着一些美丽的花纹,并且作了一些解释。
The emperor undressed, and the swindlers pretended to put the new suit upon him, one piece after another; and the emperor looked at himself in the glass from every side. 皇帝把身上的衣服统统都脱光了。这两个骗子装做把他们刚才缝好的新衣服一件一件地交给他。
How to be on guard against pickpockets and swindlers? 乘坐地铁时如何防范扒窃和诈骗行为?
Hackers, pirates and swindlers, rather than visionary chief executives, should be the inspiration for business leaders. 商界领袖应该把黑客、海盗、骗子而非有远见的首席执行官当作自己的灵感之源。
People across the country have been scammed, with swindlers encouraging them to buy good-luck tokens at sky-high prices or to give away their savings. 全国各地都有人被骗,骗子怂恿他们以天价购买好运令牌或放弃他们的积蓄。
Of course despicable swindlers have feelings, their rhetoric is completely for the purpose of deceiving each other and their own bed. 当然卑劣的感情骗子也有,他们的花言巧语,完全是为了骗对方和自己上床。
Of course, in real life there are many cheats, swindlers who camouflaged as poor people. 当然,现实生活中有很多骗子,伪装的穷人。
Is because there are so many swindlers deceive a lot of inexperienced clients, able to IDC's reputation is getting worse. 就是因为有那么多的骗子欺骗了很多的没经验的客户,才使IDC商的口碑越来越差。
One day two swindlers came to this city; they made people believe that they were weavers, and declared they could manufacture the finest cloth to be imagined. 一天,两个骗子来到这个城市,他们让人们相信,他们是织布的工人;他们还宣称自己能够织出可以想象到的最好的布。
Swindlers can also, by taking advantage of natural calamities such as storm and submerged reefs, forge and reported sea accidents. 诈骗分子也可能利用风暴、暗礁等自然灾害,伪造和谎报海难事故。
The swindlers are busy searching for victims. 诈骗犯正忙着物色诈骗对象。
Swindlers often take advantage of these factors and resell the goods to make profits. 诈骗分子则通常利用这些因素,转手倒卖以牟取暴利。
The unscrupulous swindlers bled his victims white. He be the victim of a can trick. 无耻的骗子榨干了受骗者的血汗。他是一骗局的受害人。
The swindlers sat up the whole night before the day on which the procession was to take place. 在大典要举行的头天晚上,这两个骗子整夜不睡。
They are the biggest swindlers on earth. 他们是世上最大的诈骗犯。
Discuss new estate as "chameleon" social paradise into swindlers? 地产商谈新政就象“变色龙”社会变成骗子天堂?
Generally speaking, there is little opportunity for the swindlers to take advantage in the trading of complete sets of equipment or transfer of technology, while commodity transactions are most vulnerable to swindling. 一般来说,在成套设备买卖和技术转让过程中不太容易出现诈骗行为,而最容易发生诈骗行为的是在商品买卖活动中。
With her assistant Yayoi Mizuno, who is a law student, they try to exterminate swindlers target women. 她与助手,法律系的学生水野弥生并肩作战,扑灭以女性为目标的罪案。
Throughout the story, it would have seemed that antics of the swindlers proved that they were more astute than anybody else. 从故事里似乎可以看出:织布工的骗术证明他们比其他任何人都精明。
Both swindlers requested him to come near, and asked him if he did not admire that exquisite patterns and the beautiful colours, pointing the empty looms. 两个骗子要求他走近一些,并且指着空织布机问他是否喜欢这些高雅的样式与美丽的颜色。
In a boom, fortunes are made, individuals wax greedy, and swindlers come forward to exploit that greed. 在经济繁荣期,人们发了财致了富,变得贪婪起来,便有骗子来利用这种贪欲。
Morton: There ought to be a way of stopping swindlers like him doing that. 莫顿:应该制定办法防这样的骗子作恶。
Granted, the ouija board typewriter didn't prove or disprove the involvement of spirits, but it did prevent swindlers from consciously moving the triangle while pretending they were possessed. 事实上,这个占卜板的打字员既没有证明也没有反驳精神的摄入,但是它确实阻止了移动三角形时假装自己被控制的骗子。
Dad, with swindlers around, naturally there will be murderers. 爸有吃钱的人当然就有杀人的人。
The only thing those swindlers didn't take was the shirt off my back. 那些骗子唯一没有拿走的就是我这条命。