A Comparative Study on the Differences and Similarities between Chinese Adhesion and English Zeugma Language beautified by association of Syllepsis and Zeugma 汉英拈连异同比较研究语言的联系美&异叙与拈连
Differentiation and Analysis on Yunnan Eight States& Syllepsis on Intercourse between North Song and Dali State 云南八国辨析&兼谈北宋与大理国的关系
Application of Syllepsis to the Translation from Chinese into English 一笔双叙在汉译英中的运用
The creation and understanding of syllepsis and zeugma also appeal to the mechanism of metaphor. The theory of Mental Space and Concept Blending can clearly explain the producing process of these two figures of speech. 而一笔双叙和轭式搭配这两种修辞手段正是借用了隐喻生成与理解语言的机制来运作的。心理空间和概念整合理论可以清楚说明这两种手段的生成过程。