This provides the double-edged benefit of syndication with semantics. 这将提供聚合和语义双重好处。
This will process any syndication feed, including the main RSS, RDF and Atom formats, and provides the content through a simplified interface. 这个模块可以处理任何联合提要,包括RSS、RDF和Atom格式,并可以通过简化的界面提供内容。
RSS is a family of XML-based syndication formats. RSS是一系列基于XML的联合格式。
Users can follow each other, which is basically a simplified syndication service. 用户可以相互追随,这实际上就是一个简化的联合(syndication)服务。
For example, the idea of using the syndication model to distribute software updates is often discussed. 比如,人们常常讨论使用联合模型来发布软件升级的想法。
In this article, you added file-upload capabilities as well as an Atom syndication feed. 在本文中,您添加了文件上传功能,以及一个Atom聚合feed。
Atom is a newer, but similar, syndication protocol. Atom是一种更新但非常类似的联合协议。
Other applications of content-by-reference include the syndication of data not typically suitable for static embedding within a feed. 基于引用的内容的其他应用包括通常不适合静态嵌入到提要(feed)中的数据联合。
A syndication program to link the document library to the Web content library. 一个联合程序,它把文档库链接到Web内容库。
A syndication format is an important part of this approach. 联合发布格式是这个方法的重要组成部分。
As already mentioned, RSS has two parts: syndication and feed aggregation. 正如之前提到的,RSS有两个部分:连锁和提要聚合。
It allows you to search, subscribe to, and read news and blogs published using one of the many popular syndication formats, such as RSS, RDF, and Atom. 它允许您使用许多流行的联合格式(比如RSS、RDF和Atom)搜索、订阅和阅读新闻和博客。
Atom is a syndication format, developed from inherent limitations in RSS, for a series of Web-based documents. Atom是一系列基于Web的文档的聚合格式,它从RSS的固有限制开发而来。
Web content syndication is an area of growing importance on the Internet and behind the firewall. 在Internet上,Web内容联合是防火墙后面日渐重要的一个领域。
To simplify the code, assign the icons the same status code retrieved by the REST syndication. 要简化代码,请分配通过REST联合检索的相同状态代码的图标。
Rome RSS/ Atom syndication: Download these open source Java tools and libraries for parsing, generating and publishing RSS and Atom feeds. RomeRSS/Atomsyndication:下载这些用来解析、生成和发布RSS和Atom提要的开放源码Java工具和库。
Their widespread availability, in addition to web services, makes syndication and situational applications possible. 除了WebServices外,这些技术广泛的应用也使得企业联合和情景应用程序成为可能。
The popular syndication formats RSS1.0 and RSS2.0 each have their own ways of associating such licenses with feeds. RSS1.0和RSS2.0这两种流行的联合格式都有其自己的方式来将这些许可与提要(feed)相关联。
You will remove this when you insert the code that manages the HTTP syndication. 当您插入这些管理HTTP连接的代码时,您将需要删除它。
Really Simple Syndication ( RSS) is an XML-based solution for publishing information that is often used with blogs and other sites. ReallySimpleSyndication(RSS)是一种基于XML的信息发布解决方案,常常用在blog和其他站点上。
The Atom syndication format also enables webmasters to display feeds on a their sites. 这种Atom聚合格式还允许网络管理员显示站点上的提要。
Syndication: The provision of syndicated access to applications, information and services, extending the reach of SOA services through third-party channels. 企业联合:提供对应用程序、信息和服务的联合访问,通过第三方渠道扩展SOA服务的覆盖范围。
Programs originally produced to air on a major broadcast network, now being sold in syndication. 原为在主要的广播电视网播出而生产的节目,现在节目联合制作体中销售。
Most importantly, syndication prior to the actual meeting ensured a successful conclusion. 最重要的是,会议之前的多方面协作保证了这项改革的成功。
It also has a sizeable distribution and syndication business in overseas markets, including the US and Canada. 它还在包括美国和加拿大在内的海外市场拥有大规模的发行和合作业务。
WHO news headlines and summary texts are now available via "really simple syndication"( RSS). 世界卫生组织新闻标题和摘要现在可经由“真正简易聚合新闻服务”(RSS)获得。
In yet another embodiment, a web browser automatically determines whether a file contains syndication XML. 浏览器也可以自动检测一个文件中是否包含聚合XML。
Generally, you would use this format only if your site already has a syndication feed. 通常,只有您的网站已有联合供稿时才能使用此格式。
RSS is an XML-based information syndication technology, which transfers the information to user quickly and timely. RSS是基于XML的信息聚合技术,它使信息能够迅速、及时的传递给用户。
Application of RSS Syndication and Push in Subject Information Portal RSS聚合和推送技术在学科信息门户中的应用