It results from the ignorance of the influence of the linear syntagmatic relationship and horizontal paradigmatic relationship on language construction in language processing. 究其原因,主要在于语言加工过程中忽略了线性的组合关系与垂直的聚合关系在语言建构中的影响。
Language is a system of symbols based on relations, among which syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations are the most universal and important ones. 语言是一个以关系为基础的符号系统,而横组合和纵聚合关系是这个系统中最普遍、最核心的关系。
Analyses on Texts English Reading from the Paradigmatic Relations and Syntagmatic Relations 从横组合和纵聚合关系看英语阅读中的文本分析
Chapter Two reviews the origin and development of the semantic field theory with a concentration on the syntagmatic semantic field. 第二章回顾了语义场理论的起源与发展,着重对横组合语义场进行了详细介绍;
The opposition of the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations. 组合关系与聚合关系的对立;
Syntagmatic and Associative Relations in Translating Classical Chinese Poetry 组合关系和联想关系在中国古典诗歌翻译中的运用
The antonyms in Russian share common grounds in terms of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, logical relation, semantic features and markedness. 反义词在聚合和组合关系、逻辑关系、义素特征、标记性特征等方面具有一系列共性。
"Yi", one of the most important functional words in old Chinese, has two syntagmatic forms with a noun ( N), i.e." Yi-N "and" N-Yi ". 以是上古汉语中一个重要的虚词,其与名词(N)的组合有以N和N以两种方式。
The operational mechanism of the Language of Art includes three forms, which are variation of signifier, syntagmatic variation and paradigmatic variation; and moreover these three forms apparently assume syntactic variation and semantic variation in language chains. 艺术语言的活法的运作可归结为能指变异、组合关系变异、聚合关系变异三种形式,而这三种形式在语言链上又突出地表现为句法变异和语义变异。
There is definite syntagmatic characteristic in Japanese auxiliary verbs which reflects the corresponding semantic difference. 日语补助动词在句段关系上存在一个明显的特征,这个特征反映了相应的语义差异。
From the theory of semantic, we know it includes syntagmatic relations and paradigmatic relations. 从语义学原理看,语义结构存在着两种关系:横组合关系和纵组合关系。
Based on the theory of semantic fields, by examining paradigmatic relations and syntagmatic relations as two main clues, this paper analyzes the roles which these two kinds of relations play in the formation of a text. 本文运用语义场理论,以词义聚合关系、组合关系为主要线索,分析语义场中的词义聚合关系、词义组合关系在语篇中所起的作用。
Saussure's research on the syntagmatic relationship and paradigmatic relationship of language signs gives guidelines to Roman Jakobson's study of "poetic function" of the literary language. 索绪尔关于语言符号横组合关系和纵聚合关系的研究,指导了罗曼·雅科布森对文学语言诗性功能的研究。
On Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations and English Writing 论词的横组合关系和纵聚合关系与英语写作
Collocation here not only refers to the lateral syntagmatic relations within a phrase or a sentence, but also includes the habitual co-occurrence of the lexical items in cross-sentences or even cross-paragraphs. 他们论述的搭配不仅指一个词组或一个句子内部的词与词的横向组合关系,而且包括跨句或跨段落的词项的习惯性重现。
Application of Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations in Poetry Translation 组合关系与聚合关系在诗歌翻译中的应用
The latter case of meaning evolution is summarized as the two ways of paradigmatic assimilation and syntagmatic assimilation. 这后一种情况,有的学者总结为聚合同化和组合同化两种途径。
This paper introduces the details of the genetic engineering of Chinese language, which consists of paradigmatic networks of knowledge and syntagmatic networks of knowledge. 本文详细介绍了汉语基因工程,其中包括汉语静态的知识聚合网络和动态的知识组合网络。
On the Use of Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations in Poetry Translation 论诗歌翻译中组合关系与聚合关系的运用
From the two perspectives of the syntagmatic relation and paradigmatic relations, the category of Result is categorized to abstract things and concrete things. 从组合关系和聚合关系两个角度将结果范畴分为成品类、破损痕迹类和抽象事物类、具体事物类。
The reviews of syntagmatic, paradigmatic, and individual study. 组合、聚合与个案研究的回顾。
In syntactic formation both of them have strong syntagmatic and syntactic function. 句法形式方面两者具有较强的组合能力与句法功能。
This method relies on the dependency of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relation, the correlation between grammatical form and meaning. These two kinds of relationship make the method static and discrete. It can only be applied to the internal structure of syntax. 这种方法的客观基础是组合关系与聚合关系之间的依存关系、语法形式和语法意义之间的对应关系,这样的客观基础决定了这种方法是静态的、离散的,只能解决句法结构内部的问题。
Thus, hyponymy involves a wide range lexical senses in both syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations. 由此可见,上下义关系所涉及的词汇语义关系在横向和纵向上都非常广泛。
The link patterns of different word classes are not the same in L2 mental lexicon. For paradigmatic and frame response, there is a significant difference among nouns, verbs and adjectives. For syntagmatic and clang-other responses, the significances are not found. 二语心理词汇中不同词类的联结模式是不一致的,对于聚合反应和框架反应,名词,动词和形容词之间有显著性差异;对于组合和语音反应,它们之间没有显著性差异。
The grammatical structure is allocated by the semantic relationship and the rhetoric function and the production of speech implication is influenced by both the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations of the word meaning. 语义的聚合关系与组合关系共同影响语言的修辞功能和话语含义的生成。
It has been found that the first and the second language mental lexicon associations would undergo changes between syntagmatic and paradigmatic links. 本文发现,第一和第二语言心理词汇联结在横组合关系和纵聚合关系之间存在着反复变化。
This thesis is a study of the relationship among reinforcement on syntagmatic knowledge, restructuring of mental lexicon and SLA. 本文对横组合知识强化,中国大学生二语心理词汇重构与二语词得之间的关系做了相关性分析。
English and Chinese demonstrative determiners have different relationships with other determiners. In English, demonstrative determiners are in paradigmatic relationship with the other determiners, while in Chinese, they are in syntagmatic relationship. 英语和汉语中的指示限定词与其他限定词的关系不同,英语中是组合关系,而汉语中是聚合关系。
The syntagmatic relation can reflect lexical meaning changes, and its changes influence rational and accessorial meaning. 组合关系反映词义演变,且组合关系的变化能够引起义位理性义的变化,对义位附属义也有影响。