
英 [ˈsɪnθəsaɪzɪz] 美 [ˈsɪnθəsaɪzɪz]

v.  (通过化学手段或生物过程)合成; (音响)合成; 综合


    in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 synthesise

  1. VERB (通过化学或生物反应)合成
    To synthesize a substance means to produce it by means of chemical or biological reactions.
    1. After extensive research, Albert Hoffman first succeeded in synthesizing the acid in 1938...
      经过大量研究,艾伯特·霍夫曼于 1938 年首次成功合成了该酸性物质。
    2. A vitamin is a chemical compound that cannot be synthesized by the human body.
  2. VERB 综合;把…合为一体
    If you synthesize different ideas, facts, or experiences, you combine them to form a single idea or impression.
    1. The movement synthesised elements of modern art that hadn't been brought together before, such as Cubism and Surrealism.


  1. Moreover, the current implementation "synthesizes a fully private environment for each application session".
  2. When the sequence is done, it is transmitted to a mail-order foundry that synthesizes the DNA.
  3. The point inspection management system ( PIMS) of power equipments comprises portable apparatus and system management software, and synthesizes many advanced techniques including I.
  4. Finally, propose a method of setting up the business enterprise synthesizes information net.
  5. The frequency synthesizes a technique, be become a basis frequency tra formation a ( or many) conforms to a quality request of the technique of frequency needed.
  6. The fibroblast also synthesizes elastic fibers, as well as the ground substance of the dermis, which is composed of glycosaminoglycans or acid mucopolysaccharides.
  7. This research synthesizes a quarternary ammonium salt of honey, with the purpose that the honey can both retain the hydrophile of the glucide and gain new certain properties of cationic surfactant.
  8. Must first determine the target cost, then analyzes each kind of factor to the cost the influence, synthesizes various factors the influence situation is not only to the shovel even cost forecast.
  9. As the field synthesizes, the non-unity-based thought-form is dissipated leading to easier ascension.
  10. Potatoes and rice arde farinose plants. Amyloplast A plastid that synthesizes and stores starch grains.
  11. Generally speaking, to a foreigner, Hong Kong is a very good place to settle down, because it synthesizes both the Asian culture and the Western culture.
  12. This disquisition is based on research productions in past, and further synthesizes relevant literature materials, field survey materials obtained by author and cultural relics and their research findings to present a new description and textual research on the evolvement course of ancient Chinese puppet show.
  13. He synthesizes data from a variety of disparate sources.
  14. Overview Gluconeogenesis synthesizes glucose from non carbohydrate precursors and is important for the maintenance of blood glucose levels during starvation or during vigorous exercise.
  15. The body synthesizes Malic Acid during the process of converting carbohydrates to energy.
  16. The English school, which takes rationalism as a base, synthesizes the three international relations ideology traditions of hobbes, Grotius and kant, to create a special theory of the international society.
  17. Amyloplast A plastid that synthesizes and stores starch grains.
  18. According to the GIS District National Territory Resources Synthesizes the Information the Management System Research
  19. This toolkit synthesizes elements found in the relaxation response, mindfulness meditations, and desensitizing strategies.
  20. Peking Opera synthesizes music, drama, dancing, and acrobatics along with very elaborate costumes and a minimum of props, according to traditions and customs dating back as far as the twelfth century.
  21. The developing endosperm of rice ( Oryza sativa, Os) synthesizes a large amount of storage proteins on the rough ( r) ER.
  22. It synthesizes the advantages of belt drive, chain drive and gear drive.
  23. Each "module" includes an introductory note that synthesizes material from the research literature as well as the business press, drawing on the research of the authors and contributors.
  24. With his most recent series of paintings," Olympic& Paralympic Heroes", Burns synthesizes his understanding of painting and sports.
  25. A new method, DET-based simulation approach, is put forward, which synthesizes the advantages of the two methods.
  26. Used for winding the yarn, various synthesizes material and other material of suit to wind etc;
  27. The present policy is a dual policy which synthesizes "alliance" and "struggle".
  28. This article synthesizes underground fluid-solid coupling theory, mathematics-mechanical model and software realizing, linearity and no linearity model.
  29. SEM model synthesizes the direct and indirect stability value and is suitable for most network applications.
  30. This algorithm synthesizes the mechanical and electrical characteristics. System identification is part of the controller.