Section Tacamahaca, including 34 species, 21 variations and 4 forms, is the largest one among the five sections of Populus in China. 青杨派是我国杨属中最大的一个派,共34个种,21个变种和4个变型,分布最为广泛。
Gene resources of Section Tacamahaca are introduced, progress in research on poplars genetic breeding of Section Tacamahaca are reviewed, and the prospect of development and utilization of gene resources in Section Tacamahaca is discussed in the paper. 本文介绍了我国青杨派杨树基因资源概况,综述了青杨派杨树遗传育种研究现状,展望了青杨派杨树基因资源开发和利用前景。