Then thousand taels of gold are easier come by than an understanding heart. 万两黄金容易得,知心一个也难求。
If the price of silk goes up to over nine hundred taels a picul again, I may consider a wage-increase-very well, you can go now! 等丝价回涨到九百多两的时候,我们再说,好了,你去罢!
Qing government also paid Japan a war indemnity of200 million Kuping taels, and opened various ports and rivers to international entry and trade. 清政府还赔偿日本两亿两银子,并开放多处港口用于国际入口和交易港口。
The Treaty of Shimonoseki alone earned Japan 230 million taels of silver in extortion money, about four and a half times its annual national revenue. 而日本仅通过《马关条约》勒索的赔款2.3亿两白银,就相当于当时日本国家财政四年半的收入。
The trouble is, the price of silk keeps falling, and every factory owner is losing money. All they get is about four hundred taels a bale! 不过丝价老是跌,厂家全亏本,一包丝要净亏四百两光景!
"You are well paid for it, aren't you?" said Lota." You can buy a farm with a hundred taels of silver. " 罗大说:“赶这一趟车,你们赚钱不少。拿一百两银子就可以买一块田地了。”
So you think ten taels of silver is too much. 怎么,你们觉得十两银子这价钱很贵吗?
Statistics show that, by way of these unequal treaties, the foreign aggressors made away with more than 100 billion taels of silver as war indemnities and other payments in the past century. 据统计,近百年来,外国侵略者通过这些不平等条约掠去战争赔款和其他款项达白银1000亿两。
In the Qing Dynasty, it rose from two taels to over ten taels of silver with the development of society. 而在清代,这种巨大的差距就不再明显,戏价随着社会经济的发展,由几两向十几两银慢慢提高。