We found that the taenia mesocolica could be seen at the end of 10th week of fetal life, while the other two taeniae at the 68 mm. 我们发现结肠系膜带出现于胚胎第10周末,而其他两结肠带在坐高68mm阶段出现,即较前者迟一周。
The age of appearance of the TAENIAE and haustra of the human colon and cause of formation 人类结肠袋、结肠带出现的年龄及其成因的探讨
In the isolated guinea-pig ileum or taeniae coli, Ost and Vet were both found to inhibit the contractions induced by acetylcholine ( ACh), histamine ( His) and KCl in a dose-dependent manner; 结果表明:Ost和钙拮抗剂Ver产生剂量依赖性抑制乙酰胆碱(ACh)、组胺及KCl所致回肠条或结肠带的收缩;
Effects of osthole ( Ost) anti verapamil ( Vet) were investigated in the isolated guinea-pig ileum and taeniae coli. 以豚鼠离体回肠和结肠带为标本,观察蛇床子素(Ost)的作用与Ca~(2+)的关系。