As the legs ( or thighs, if your knees are bent) rise to perpendicular to the floor, firm the tailbone against the back of the pelvis. 当脚(或者大腿,如果你的膝关节是弯曲的话)举起垂直地板时,稳定尾骨防止骨盆向后。
A monkey infant enters the birth canal headfirst, with the broad back of its skull against the roomy back of the mother's pelvis and tailbone. 猴儿进入产道时,头下脚上,较宽的后脑勺顶著母猴骨盆背面和尾椎的宽敞空间。
This Yoga pose requires you to balance on the tripod of your sitting bones and tailbone. 这个瑜伽体式要求用坐骨和尾椎骨支撑身体保持平衡。
Press your feet and hands into the floor, tailbone and shoulder blades against your back, and with an exhalation, lift your head off the floor and straighten your arms. 手掌、脚掌推向地面,尾骨、肩胛骨推向背部。随着吐气,抬高头顶离开地面,手臂伸直。
Let the left hip come slightly forward and lengthen the tailbone toward the back heel. 左臀稍稍朝前,尾骨向后脚跟方向延长伸展。
Press your tailbone toward your pubis and turn the upper thighs inward slightly. 尾骨压向耻骨,大腿上部内侧轻轻内旋。
Imagine a cord from both feet and your tailbone anchored into the aurora, the sun in the center of the Earth. 想象从双脚和尾骨联出一条丝线锚定入极光&地球中心的太阳之中。
Burrow the tailbone down toward the floor, and keep your back muscles soft. 将尾椎骨尽量靠向地板方向以使背部肌肉保持柔软。
Now expand the cord from the tailbone to be a six-foot tree trunk that you are in the middle of. 现在从尾骨延伸丝线而成为6英尺的树干,你在其中央。
Continue to press the shoulder blades against the back, widen them, and draw them toward the tailbone. 继续把肩胛骨压入背部,拓宽它们,拉它们朝向尾骨的方向。
Pressing your inner feet actively into the floor, exhale and push your tailbone up toward the pubis, firming ( but not hardening) the buttocks, and lift the buttocks off the floor. 脚内侧挤压地面,吐气,尾骨向上向耻骨推,臀部稳固但不是僵硬,将臀部提高离开地面。
Your spine should align with the back of your head and your tailbone. 脊柱应该与头部后侧及尾骨在一条直线上。
Let us next focus on the root chakra, which sits at the tailbone. 接下来让我们聚焦在位于尾骨的根部脉轮。
Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis and press it lightly toward the pubis. 从骨盆的后部拉长尾骨,并轻轻地把它压向耻骨。
Narrow the hip points and lengthen the tailbone toward the backs of the knees, lifting the pubis toward the navel. 夹紧臀部,使得臀端内收变窄,尾骨向膝的后侧拉长,耻骨向上提向肚脐提。
There are three main channels of energy that moves from the tailbone, up the spine and out the top of the head. 有3个能量的主要通道,从尾骨升起,沿脊柱上升并跃出头顶。
Fusion occurs as the tailbone or sacral area is connected with light tethers to light grid centers known as pallets. 融合,当尾骨或说骶骨用光索连接到所知为色彩球(pallets)的光格层中心时发生。
Lean the upper torso back slightly, against the shoulder blades, and continue to lengthen the tailbone into the floor. 躯干上端轻轻地向后倾斜,作用于肩胛骨,并继续拉长尾骨向地板的方向。
It's also essential that your tailbone continues to lift upward toward the heels. 你的尾骨继续向脚跟的方向提起是非常必要的。
Then press your tailbone down and into the pelvis and come up on an inhalation with a long front torso. 然后按你的尾骨下来进入到骨盆,随着吸气把脊柱拉长起来。
Tuck your tailbone underneath just as in Tadasana. 尾骨塞进就像是在山式。
With your hands lift the base of the skull away from the back of the neck and release the back of the neck down toward the tailbone. 用手将颅骨的下端向上抬使之离颈部后侧更远,然后颈部后侧朝尾骨的方向放松。
Firm the shoulder blades against your back and lift them toward the tailbone so the front torso stays as long as possible. 固定肩胛骨在背部并向尾骨的方向提起它们,这样躯干前侧尽可能保持长。
Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor to keep the lower back long. 伸展尾骨向地板方向并保持下背部长。
Firm your shoulder blades against your back, then widen them and draw them toward the tailbone. 先收紧肩胛骨顶后背,再放宽,将肩胛骨拉向尾骨。
Lengthen the tailbone away from the back of your pelvis. 拉长尾椎骨远离盆骨的后侧。