The company is worried about takeovers by various predators. 公司担心被各种虎视眈眈的集团收购。
Valuation lies at the heart of all takeovers. 所有收购者心中都有自己的估价。
Corporate bankruptcies and takeovers in the industry are also expected to increase. 预计石油天然气行业的破产和并购案例也会增加。
That is how hostile takeovers involving state-owned enterprises work in China. 在中国,涉及国企的敌意收购通常会经历这样的过程。
The upshot: Lawsuits and takeovers moved faster than the products. 结局:官司和收购来得比产品还快。
The government detests hostile takeovers, especially by foreigners. 南非政府憎恶敌意收购,尤其是外国人发起的此类收购。
Australian bosses also point out that China does not welcome foreign takeovers of its firms. 澳大利亚的厂老板也指出中国不欢迎外国人收购本国公司。
And they are testing the waters of overseas deals, steering clear of takeovers in unfamiliar markets. 眼下,虽然他们正在尝试进行海外交易,但却避开了不熟悉市场上的收购交易。
It came close to succeeding, and hostile takeovers became as rare in the1990s as an underpaid chief executive. 就在并购距成功仅一步之遥时,时间到了90年代,此时恶意收购已经和低薪总裁一起,成了稀罕物。
Even hostile takeovers should not be ruled out. 即便是恶意收购,我们也不应将它排除在外。
Perhaps this might have some positive consequence in the sense that the government will finally push for some takeovers. 此事或许能带来一些正面影响,因为政府可能会终于推动一些并购交易。
Blackstone has warned of a slowdown in large private equity takeovers due to the upheaval in credit markets. 美国私人股本集团黑石(blackstone)警告称,由于信贷市场发生剧变,大型私人股权收购交易将会减缓。
The Chinese companies do not have everything in their favour: in some countries they face barriers to takeovers. 中国企业也并非占尽一切有利因素:在一些国家,它们面临并购障碍。
Their company gives advice about mergers and takeovers. 他们的公司提供有关合并与接收的建议。
This is unusually aggressive in a country where hostile takeovers among domestic firms are unheard of. 这在对国内企业间恶意收购行为闻所未闻的中国来说,实在是胆大妄为得不同寻常。
Takeovers are very public conflicts over commercial assets. 收购是对商业资产展开的非常公开化的争夺。
Commercial-bank takeovers of investment banks have a horrible history because of the stark cultural differences. 商业银行收购投资银行有着很糟糕的历史,因为二者的文化完全不同。
Buying Nufarm would represent one of the largest Chinese takeovers of an Australian company. 收购nufarm将是中国对澳大利亚公司最大规模的收购交易之一。
Foreign takeovers have been the other trigger for unusually public criticism. 外资收购是引发不同寻常的公开批评的另一个导火索。
Cross-border takeovers are also putting upward pressure on currencies. 跨境接管也增加了货币升值的压力。
The pair have bet billions on derivatives, takeovers and shares with little more than a handshake. 两位投资者做了数十亿美元的衍生品、收购和股票交易,但除了握手,他们再也没有其它流程。
Takeovers, whether by private or public companies, tend to lead to redundancies and cost cuts. 无论是私募股权公司还是上市公司,它们进行的收购活动都可能导致人员冗余和成本削减。
The bigger problem for buy-out firms is posed by long-standing restrictions on bank takeovers by non-financial firms. 对于收购方更大的问题是,对非金融机构接管银行长期存在的限制。
I'll be selling espressos, jonathan, not masterminding hostile takeovers. 我只卖咖啡,强纳森。不是接管不正当的事。
But, many takeovers are obviously actions that must be taken for companies to survive. 但是,许多兼并明显是公司为生存下去而不得不采取的行动。
The shares would probably have plunged, and the company would have been prey to takeovers. 公司股价可能会暴跌,同时公司也会成为收购目标。
Record fund-raisings in recent months by KKR and Blackstone have given them the muscle for huge corporate takeovers. KKR(KohlbergKravisRoberts)和黑石集团近几个月来的筹资额达到创纪录水平,这使它们得以进行规模巨大的公司收购。
The flurry of mergers and takeovers on Wall Street prompts an analogous question: are stock exchanges necessary? 华尔街接二连三的并购也引发了类似的问题:证券交易所有必要存在吗?
The trend towards takeovers has intensified. 兼并的倾向加剧了。
Still interested in hostile takeovers? 你还是对恶意收购有兴趣?