Their excessive talkativeness can make them let the cat out of the bag unconsciously. 她们那说不完的话能让秘密不知不觉中就泄露了。
Mo, whose real name is Guan Moye, said he had brought the family a lot of trouble for his talkativeness when he was young. 莫言原名管谟业,说他年轻时的多嘴多舌给家庭带来了很大的麻烦。
He had been inclined to talkativeness, but gradually he became rather reserved. 他过去是比较爱说话的,但慢慢变得沉默寡言了。
As a young professional in China, Ms Zhi learned to curb her natural talkativeness when attending meetings with her boss. 在中国,作为一名年轻的职业人士,支巧玲学会了在与老板一起开会时抑制自己多话的天性。