Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba, and there he called on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God. 创21:33亚伯拉罕在别是巴栽上一棵垂丝柳树、又在那里求告耶和华&永生神的名。
Then they took their bones and buried them under a tamarisk tree at jabesh, and they fasted seven days. 将他们骸骨葬在雅比的垂丝柳树下,就禁食七日。
This site was a place worship. "Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beer-sheba, and called there on the name of Yahweh, the Everlasting God"( Gen21:33). 这个遗址是一个敬拜神的地方,「亚伯拉罕在别是巴栽上一棵垂丝柳树,又在那里求告耶和华&永生神的名。」
Eurasian shrub resembling the tamarisk. 类似柽柳的一种欧亚灌木。
Relations between the distribution of vegetation and environment in the Yellow River Delta and SPPA for Chinese tamarisk spatial distribution. Transference of Main Language Functions of Names of Tourist Attractions from the Perspective of Language Function 黄河三角洲植被分布环境解释及柽柳空间分布点格局分析从语言功能角度解析旅游景点名称的结构成分和翻译方法
Cold resistance Species selected are weeping willow, spruce, white elm, Chinese tamarisk and desert date. Study on floral dynamics, pollen viability and stigma receptivity of Tamarix ramosissima 经抗寒性分析得出垂柳、云杉、白榆、柽柳、沙枣抗冻性较强;多枝柽柳的开花动态及花粉活力和柱头可授性研究
Response of radial growth of lakeshore tamarisk to changes in the water environment in extreme and arid regions 极端干旱区湖岸柽柳径向生长对水环境演变的响应
A list of leafhoppers on Tamarisk with new records from China ( Homoptera: Cicadellidae) 柽柳叶蝉名录及中国新记录属种记述(同翅目:叶蝉科)
An old man and His Juniper Tamarisk Farm 一个老人和他的红柳农场
The results showed that the deficit degree of soil water, the amount and intensity of water consumption, the ability to absorb water and the decrease speed of soil water of deep layer were Caragana Korshinskii> Chinese Tamarisk. 结果表明:水分亏缺程度、耗水量、耗水强度、吸水能力、根系周围土壤深层水分下降速度,都表现为:柠条>柽柳。