手鼓;铃鼓 A tambourine is a musical instrument which you shake or hit with your hand. It consists of a drum skin on a circular frame with pairs of small round pieces of metal all around the edge.
As you approach the town, you will meet a procession of prophets coming down from the high place with lyres, tambourines, flutes and harps being played before them, and they will be prophesying. 你到了城的时候,必遇见一班先知从丘坛下来,前面有鼓瑟的,击鼓的,吹笛的,弹琴的,他们都受感说话。
In front are the singers, after them the musicians; with them are the maidens playing tambourines. 歌唱的行在前,作乐的随在后,都在击鼓的童女中间。
Drums, tambourines and cymbals are all percussion instruments. 鼓、铃鼓和铜钹都为打击乐器。
David and the whole house of Israel were celebrating with all their might before the LORD, with songs and with harps, lyres, tambourines, sistrums and cymbals. 大卫和以色列的全家在耶和华面前,用松木制造的各样乐器和琴,瑟,鼓,钹,锣,作乐跳舞。
And David and all Israel were rejoicing before God with all their might, with song and lyres and harps and tambourines and cymbals and trumpets. 大卫和以色列众人在神前用琴、瑟、锣、鼓、号作乐,极力跳舞歌唱。
Our part is to appear on the stage of the air to sound our tambourines and fling flashes of laughter. 在太空的舞台上,我们是那敲响手鼓,放声大笑的角色。