Most Sinhalese are Buddhist; most Tamils are Hindu. 大多数僧伽罗人是佛教徒;大多数泰米尔人是印度教徒。
Joyous outbursts that are mixed with some lingering anxiety, especially among the minority Tamils who wonder what the new era will bring for them. 人们在欣喜若狂庆祝之余,仍感到一些挥之不去的焦虑,尤其是在少数民族泰米尔人当中。他们担心,新时代的到来对他们意味着什么。
The organization more recently has called for the government to allow unhindered access to aid workers in make-shift camps that house hundreds of thousands of Tamils, including women and children. 联合国儿童基金会最近呼吁斯里兰卡政府允许援救人员畅通无阻地进入临时难民营,那里有几十万泰米尔人,其中包括妇女和儿童。
The Secretary General is welcoming the president's promise to resettle most of the displaced Tamils by the end of the year. 斯里兰卡总统承诺要在今年年底之前重新安置大多数流离失所的泰米尔人,联合国秘书长潘基文对此表示欢迎。上传:韩萱。
Sizable minorities of both Sinhalese and Tamils are Christians, most of whom are Roman Catholic. 很少僧伽罗人和泰米尔人是基督教徒,大多数是罗马天主教徒。
During the war, most Tamils fleeing persecution were granted asylum. 战争期间,逃离迫害的大部分塔米尔人获得了收容。
Hardline governments, they reckon, end up helping their cause by driving even moderate Tamils into their clutches. 强硬的统治,他们认为,甚至将把温和的泰米尔人也赶至他们的麾下,从而有助于他们的事业。
In the way of ambitious minorities, these Tamils thrive in business, as do Sri Lanka's Muslims. 用少数民族的方式,这些泰米尔人投身商业,斯里兰卡的穆斯林也是如此。
Growing up in Malaysia, the only Indians I interacted with were Tamils, who made up the majority of the local Indian population. 在马来西亚长大的我唯一所接触过的印度人就是泰米尔人。泰米尔人是印度民族的主要组成部分。
When I finally stepped on Indian soil, it was in the city of Madras, the capital of Tamil Nadu ( the state where Tamils are also the majority). 而我最后去的一次印度是一个叫马德拉斯的城市,它是泰米尔邦的首府(在这个洲里面泰米尔人也是占绝大部分)。
The government of Sri Lanka announced that Tamils interned in camps in the north of the country since the end of the civil war in May would be free to leave from December1st. 斯里兰卡政府宣布,自五月份内战结束以来一直被拘留在该国北部集中营中的泰米尔人将会从12月1日起被释放。
The thesis argues that, the experiences for dealing with Sri Lanka Tamils 'transnational ethnic disputes have referential meaning for China and other countries having transnational ethnic disputes, and peaceful settlement of transnational ethnics should be a norm for dealing with such problems. 在此基础上,本文认为,斯里兰卡泰米尔跨境民族问题的处理经验对中国和相关国家有借鉴意义,促进跨境民族的和平跨居应该作为处理该问题的国际关系准则。