So to benefit female tantric practitioners he asked me to write a praise to Dakas to supplicate their blessings. 因此,为了利益女性密法行人,他请我写一个向空行勇父的赞颂以启请他们的加持。
Tantric Buddhism arose when Mahayana Buddhism was enjoying a period of great philosophical productivity and intellectual influence. 佛教的坦陀罗是由大乘佛教激发,享有一个伟大的哲学盛产时期,影响着知识分子。
I can remember times in White Tantric Yoga where I was so uncomfortable in my own skin that I wanted to run screaming from the yoga hall. 我还记得每次白色檀陀瑜伽的时候,我都对自己的“外壳”感到很不舒服,想逃到瑜伽堂外面去放声大哭一场。
Desiring to return to classical Mahayana universalism, the tantric reformers protested against ecclesiastical privilege and arid scholasticism and sought to forge a religious system that was more widely accessible and socially inclusive. 对回归古典大乘普遍主义的渴望,坦陀罗改革者主张反对教会特权和烦琐的哲学,以及寻求一种伪造的宗教体系,那包括了更加广泛的易接近性和更加入世。
And the Tantric Love practice is also hinted at by the presence of white and red bodhis. 而密法双运的实修亦借由红白菩提的出现来暗示。
Called the vitality pool, everything about it was a pleasure: the muted browns and glass of the walls, one with a cascading waterfall; the green of the pool's tiles; the space-age lighting; jungle sculptures; city views and tantric music. 它的一切都让人充满活力、心情愉悦:浅褐色的玻璃墙、瓷砖的绿意;太空照明;丛林雕塑;城市景观和佛教音乐。
The Aesthetic Explanation on the Images of Tibetan Tantric Plastic Arts; bribery or intimidation relating to candidature 善的诱惑与恶的恐吓&藏密造型艺术形象的审美阐释有关参选的贿赂或恐吓
This is known as tantric light infusion and is useful to harmonize couples as well as harmonize within and trigger greater levels of awareness through the nervous system and brain. 这就是所知为谭崔融光(tantriclightinfusion),不仅对夫妇和谐及内在和谐有益,同时也能为神经系统和大脑触发更大水平的觉知。
This is not only a book about Tantric practices, but also about how you can use them to create a life-long, loving relationship. 这不仅是一本书密宗的做法,而且还对如何使用它们创造一个终身的,爱好的关系。
Tantric Sex is meditative, spontaneous and intimate lovemaking. 坦陀罗性是静心的,自发和亲密的调情。
Acclaimed dancer from Nepal, Rajendra Shrestha, will perform rarely seen ritual dances personifying the gods and goddesses of the Tantric Buddhist pantheon. 来自尼泊尔的著名舞蹈家拉杰恩德拉·斯瑞斯塔表演罕见的密宗礼仪舞蹈,将佛教万神殿中的各种神和女神赋予人格化。
Tantric practices use both ritual and meditation to unify the devotee with the chosen deity. 坦陀罗练习既使用仪式,也使用静心去把皈依者与所选择的神连接。
As you follow the Tantric path, you will learn new ways to open, develop, and refine your senses. 当你进入坦陀罗的道路,你会学习新的方式去敞开,发展和精炼你自己的官能。
NEW YORK& A man who calls himself a tantric master broke his own world record by standing engulfed in ice for72 minutes. 纽约讯一个男子声称自己是密宗大师打破了他自己保持的世界记录,他把整个身体埋在冰堆里坚持了72分钟。
A newly discovered tantric Buddhism ritual site which was remained untouched near the Gobi Desert at the north bank of Shule River is not far north from the Anxi county. 安西县城北疏勒河北岸戈壁滩上新近发现了密教坛场遗址。
Sui and Tang Dynasties period, the roof and sectarian Tantric Buddhism is the doctrine of yin and yang elements into their system-will be representatives of harmony. 隋唐时期,天台和密宗是宗派佛教中把阴阳五行纳入其教义体系进行圆融会通的代表。