Some tarantulas can also shoot the "hairs" off their legs which can pierce human skin and cause great discomfort. 有些狼蛛还能使其腿上的“毛”脱落,但这些退掉的毛可以穿透人体的皮肤,让你有非常不舒服的感觉。
Tarantulas have an exoskeleton ( that means its skeleton is on the outside) like crayfish and crabs. 狼蛛它有外骨骼(意味着其骨骼是长在外面的)这与小龙虾和螃蟹有点像。
Like chili plants, tarantulas produce agony-inflicting toxins designed to repel would-be predators, researchers say. 同辣椒类的植物相似,狼蛛也能产生会引起不适反应的毒素来击退潜在的掠食者。
Tarantulas use the same scare tactics as hot chilies to avoid being eaten, a new study suggests. 为了避免被吃掉,狼蛛跟红辣椒都使用同样的恐吓策略。
By all laws of physics, spiders as big and heavy as tarantulas shouldn't be able to climb walls or hang upside down& they should fall on their heads. 根据所有的物理定律,像狼蛛那么大、那么重的蜘蛛都不应该会爬墙、会倒悬,倒悬着就应该头朝下摔下来。
Making the list for the first time were Indian tarantulas, highly prized by collectors and threatened by the international pet trade. 首次被列入名单的印度毒蜘蛛,因其很高的收藏价值而受到国际宠物交易的威胁。