Witnesses say the military government has been-in some cases-handing out bamboo poles and tarps and telling people to go back to their villages and rebuild their homes. 目击者说,有些情况下,缅甸军政府向这些灾民发放竹竿和塑胶布,让他们返回自己的村庄,重建家园。目击者说,缅甸军政府已经开始拆除仰光以南的一些难民营。
He sits in a tent made from nylon tarps supported by small branches. 他坐在一个防水尼龙布和树枝搭起来的帐篷里。
In some areas, the government and relief agencies are distributing tarps for people to live under. 在一些地区,政府和救援机构正在向人们发放可供他们临时居住的帐篷。
When traveling by train from New Delhi to neighboring states, a common sight in the countryside is rice piled high on wooden plinths, protected only by plastic tarps. 从新德里乘火车到临近的几个邦,沿途常常可以看到农村地区大米高高地堆在木制基座上,上面只用塑料防雨布遮盖。
And we have to buy two tarps for keeping moisture away. 我们还要去买两个防潮垫子抵挡露水。
Hundreds of protesters in Zuccotti Park crowded under two long tarps suspended above a kitchen area where food is distributed. 数以百计的抗议者在祖科蒂公园拥挤的食品分布在厨房区上方悬挂的由两个长油布。
After speaking with victims, we learned that the most urgently needed items were tarps to cover damaged and leaking roofs. 与灾民访谈之后,同修得知他们大多急需防水帆布以遮盖毁损裂开的屋顶。
Tell your guys tarps over everything. 让大家把东西都用油布包起来。
Groups of men carried bodies wrapped in tarps out of the damaged buildings. 大批的男性则把用油布包裹好的遗体从受损的房屋中搬运出来。
All right break out the tarps, gentiemen. 好了,先生们,准备好防水布。
The town erects barriers and hangs tarps to block activists from photographing the kill, and daily hunts can be canceled if foreigners are seen in town. 村民通过设置障碍和放上防水布来防止保护者们拍照片,如果外国游客在参观的话,日常捕猎可以被停止。
Under these tarps are large pieces of industrial equipment, such as air conditioners for the aircraft carrier. 根据这些防水布是大块的工业设备,如空调的航空母舰。
It was so wet, that the men had to procure additional tarps to keep the books and goods dry as we continued. 由于雨太大,我们不得不另外买一张篷布挂好免得书籍和其它文具用品被淋湿。
Rainwater will be collected in tarps stretched over the deck, and a desalinator will turn sea water into drinking water. 铺在甲板上的防水布来收集雨水。海水处理器将会把海水转变为饮用水。