The minister was tasked with checking that British aid money was being spent wisely. 部长被指派去督查英国的援助资金是否已用到实处。
The panel is tasked with developing proposals on how to improve the security situation in Afghanistan. 这个小组的任务是提出改善阿富汗安全局势的建议。
The rules architect is tasked with reducing the overall cost of creating and maintaining business rules by designing and building simplistic and reusable components. 规则架构师承担了通过设计和构建简单化、可重用的组件来降低创建和维护业务规则的总体成本的任务。
This article provides a good starting point for most people tasked with resolving these types of problems. 本文为大多数负责解决此类问题的人员提供了一个很好的起点。
Imagine if you were tasked to modify this method for the purpose of adding a new feature. 设想一下,如果您被分配一项任务,要修改此方法以添加一项新功能。
In China, most Internet companies are tasked with monitoring and censoring their social networks. 在中国,大多数互联网公司都会承担监督和审查其社交网络的任务。
Weather conditions have improved in the area and ten aircraft are tasked for today's search, AMSA said. 该机构表示:该区域的天气状况有所改善,今天安排了10架飞机开展搜寻工作。
You moved to Seattle nine years ago to join Amazon. What were you tasked with doing then? 九年前你来到西雅图加盟亚马逊,当时你主要负责什么?
I tasked him with looking after the children. 我分派给他照看孩子的任务。
Are you a manipulate tasked individual? 你是一位可以应付繁忙工作的人吗?
We have been tasked with setting up camps for refugees. 我们担负着建立难民营的任务。
You still tasked with counter-terrorism? 你还是执行反恐的任务?
I'm quite certain he's the one that tasked Anna to get it. 我敢肯定他就是,让安娜拿炸弹的那个人。
An even cleaner method would be to configure an internal DNS server tasked with all domain name queries. 一个更明晰的方法是配置一个内部DNS服务器来负责所有的域名查询。
The dead men were from a paramilitary force tasked with safeguarding the border, they said. 死者来自准军事部队,身兼保卫边界的任务,他们说。
He was tasked with the design of a new shopping center. 他被派给设计新的购物中心的任务。
Fact: A dozen senior execs serve as "innovation mentors" tasked with evaluating business ideas. 事实依据:十余位高级经理人担任“创新导师”,负责对员工提出的业务创意进行评估。
He tasked us to steal the decoder from police custody. 他分派我们去偷警察保管的解码器。
The panel are also tasked with considering whether the unit failed to observe Freedom of Information requests properly. 专家组还肩负着一个任务:看看研究所是否完全遵守了《自由信息法案》中的要求。
If we are, then an agency outside of the Fed should be tasked with that responsibility. 如果我们确实重视这个问题,那么就应该将这个任务交给美联储以外的一个机构。
He was tasked to complete the project. 他被派给了任务,要完成这一项目。
They tasked the computer with too much data. 他们给了太多数据让这台电脑处理。
Langley's tasked me for a special assignment. 兰利给我了特殊的任务。
What I needed when I was tasked with this is a production-ready developer-friendly solution for an enterprise environment. 当我被分派这一任务的时候,我所需要的是一个针对企业级环境产品就绪(production-ready)的、开发者友好的解决方案。
Then that Enterprise deploys their application, and their IT staff is tasked with monitoring, controlling, and generally using their application. 然后该企业部署其应用,而IT职员的任务就是监控、控制和使用该应用。
I've tasked my cabinet and staff to set up the kind of management, oversight, and disclosure that will help ensure that, and I will challenge state and local governments to do the same. 我已经委托我的内阁和工作人员建立一种管理,监督和披露,这将有助于确保这一点,我会挑战,州和地方政府也这样做。
We've been tasked with the damage assessment. 我们是来进行危害评估的。
I've been tasked with psychoanylyzing Jack after his mental breakdown. 我一直负责对崩溃后的杰克使用精神分析疗法。
You are tasked with taking it to the administration building and playing it over the camp's address system. 你的考验就是要去管理大楼那边利用营区的广播系统播放这卷带子。
Experts from the company tasked with the project say the building will be installed on a new foundation. 参与此项工程的该公司专家们说,整座大楼将固定在一个新建的地基之上。