品尝会 Tasting is used in expressions such as wine tasting to refer to a social event at which people try different kinds of the specified drink or food in small amounts.
He hosts tastings and gives talks around the world, appears regularly on radio and TV as a spokesman for the craft brewing industry. 他常年主持品酒会,在世界各地发表演讲,经常在广播和电视上充当啤酒酿造业发言人的角色。
She visits bars, country clubs, people's homes and Scotland for whiskey tastings. 为了推销威士忌,她走访了酒吧、乡村俱乐部、民宅。
They benefit from the exposure provided by semiannual tastings in California and New York, increasingly popular with industry professionals. 他们都得益于在加州和纽约半年一次的品酒会带来的曝光,日益受到业内专业人士的欢迎。
According to chefs at the training base, the milk Liu Xiang drinks was finally chosen after he evaluated dozens of imported and domestic milk brands, amounting to thousands of individual tastings. 训练基地的厨师说,刘翔喝的牛奶也是餐厅专门为他选购的。刘翔经过无数次试喝之后,从国内外几十种品牌中选出了其中的一种。
Wine Australia is doing its best to address this problem by holding tastings with key opinion-formers in key markets. 澳大利亚葡萄酒业正竭尽全力解决这个问题,不断邀请主要市场的关键舆论制造者前来品尝。
Except that in blind tastings, most people cannot tell the difference between tap and bottled water. 只可惜在味觉盲测中,多数人都分辨不出自来水和瓶装水的区别。
Another taste sensation featuring tastings of strawberry, ferrrao, hazelnut and nougat. 又一种品味独特的美味,里面有草莓、榛子和牛轧糖。
Tastings were performed blind to ensure that judges knew neither the wine, nor the producer, nor the region being tasted. 那时的品酒采用不计名体例,保证来自各个地域列位酿酒商的新、陈葡萄酒都能被品尝到。
The complex will have its own hotel, restaurant and bar, and will host wine tastings and conferences. 该项目将拥有自己的酒店、餐厅和酒吧,并将自主举办各类品酒会和会议。
Wine tastings, art galleries and vacation resorts are sure to put you in contact with folks who share your excellent taste. 葡萄酒厂,艺术画廊和度假胜地将为你提供这样的机会。
Bordeaux fans could argue that new world wines are powerful and alcoholic, so tend to stand out in group tastings. 波尔多迷们可能会说,新世界葡萄酒酒劲大、酒味浓,所以在集体品酒中往往能够脱颖而出。
That said, I have noticed at generic tastings in London that potential exporters have been told so often that the UK market is dangerously competitive, and British wine buyers horribly penny-pinching, that some tend not to bother to show their top wines. 也就是说,我在伦敦通用品酒会上注意到潜在的出口商通常被告知英国市场竞争异常激烈,英国葡萄酒的买家抠门到极点,有些酒庄一般舍不得展出最好的酒。
Plans call for using it at tastings and special events. 该计划需要将它们用于品尝和特殊场合。
Two big blind tastings of Australian and South American Reds in the last few weeks suggested to me that quality here is higher and more consistent than I have ever known. 过去几个星期,我对澳大利亚和南美的红酒进行了两次大规模的盲品,结果表明,它们那里的葡萄酒品质要比以往我所知道的更高,也更为稳定。
A certain psychic greed pushes you too far in certain tastings, which can be reflected on all the pleasures of this world. 某种心灵上的贪婪让你尝到后果,这个世界上没有免费的午餐和不需努力就获得的乐趣。
As the Tastings column notes, in some cases a bottle of Kosher wine might be appropriate; while some doctors have strong preferences for reds or whites. 正如《品尝》专栏所指,有些情况下,一瓶清真酒就很好,而有些医生强烈偏好红酒或白酒。
This predominantly Pinot Noir Champagne is not a private label but in our tastings it comes out better than the big-name Champagnes. 这种以黑比诺为主的香槟不是自有品牌,但在我们的品酒会上,它的表现胜过大品牌的香槟。
But before the weekend of networking, wine tastings, Pilates and trips to Lord& Taylor, Mulcahy spoke about the challenges they face. 但是,在上网、品酒、普拉提以及罗德泰勒之游的周末到来之前,玛尔卡茜说到了她们所面临的挑战。
The evening will open with a brief discussion of wine varieties, and this will be followed by a series of tastings to develop your taste. 这晚从简要讨论葡萄酒品类开始,然后进行一系列品尝。
So they organised seminars for staff on how to store, select and serve fine wine and pair it with food; and set up tastings for Chinese consumers, collectors and wine writers. 因此,他们为侍者组织了讲习会,教他们如何贮藏、挑选和提供精品葡萄酒服务,以及如何与食物搭配;还为中国消费者、收藏家和葡萄酒作家开办品尝会。
As a result, the Tastings writers conducted their own informal survey, asking doctors around the country whether they have received gifts of wine from patients. 因此,《品尝》专栏作家进行了自己的非正式调查,询问国内各处的医生们是否有收到过病人送来的酒类礼品。
ELEMENTARY KNOWLEDGE OF EXPLOSIVE WORKING The mechnical tastings are carried out at metal interfaces after welding process and the good quality of welding is also proved by experimental demonstration. 爆炸加工基本知识实验证明焊接质量良好。