Several of her abstracts had been bought by the tate. 她的几幅抽象画已被(伦敦)泰特陈列馆买下。
Here are your uncle and Mr. Tate shaking hands. 这是你叔叔和泰特先生在握手。
You did it, Tate. 是你做的赝品,泰特。
VICTOR: If I get my hands on Tate, I'll kill him too! 维克多:如果我能够抓住泰特,我就把他也杀了。
Last week I went to an exihibition of paintings at the Tate Gallery in London. 上星期我去伦敦塔特美术馆看了一场绘画展览。
Tate demonstrates how to balance rapid releases and long-term sustainability, achieving both rich functionality and superior quality. Tate论证了如何平衡快速的发布和长期的持续,达到丰富的功能和良好的质量。
DAVID SCHWIMMER ( Ross) has had the biggest critical success with a range of theatrical roles including the play Some Girl ( s) in London alongside Catherine Tate. 戴维施维默(罗斯):他最重要的成功扮演了一系列戏剧性的角色,包括在伦敦与搭档凯瑟琳泰特出演的《一个女孩》。
Others hang at New York's Museum of Modern Art and London's Tate Modern. 其他作品分别收藏于纽约现代艺术博物馆和伦敦泰特现代美术馆。
Museums include the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate Gallery, the Wallace Collection, the Institute of Contemporary Art, and the Saachi Gallery. 博物馆包括大英博物馆,维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,国家美术馆,泰特美术馆的,收集的华莱士,该研究所的当代艺术,并Saachi画廊。
A retrospective at the Tate Gallery in 1994 had drawn caustic personal reviews. 然而1994年泰特美术馆的一场回顾展引来了针对个人的尖刻评论。
They will prove you spilled ink on yourself. You did it, Tate. 它们将证实你把墨汁溅到自己手上了.是你制造的赝品,泰特。
Her sister, Laura Tate, says, 'I know my mother likes kids. 她的妹妹劳拉·塔特(LauraTate)说:我知道妈妈喜欢孩子。
DIANA: Philip Tate! Of course! He could do it. 戴安娜:菲利普?泰特!当然是他!他有条件做。
TONY: Does Victor Chapman know Tate? 托尼:维克多?查普曼认识泰特吗?
This is the Tate Modern in London. 这是伦敦泰特现代艺术馆。
In this spirit, I suggest we adopt a progressive penalty tate. 伯恩:本着这种精神,我建议我们采用一种累进赔偿率。
When we asked Reebok to send us Terry tate, some people thought we were crazy. 当我们要求锐步派特里?塔特给我们时,有些人认为我们是疯了。
Little Man Tate I gave birth to my baby in the back of a taxi. 我在一辆计程车后座生了我的小宝贝。
TONY: It's no use, Chapman. Tate confessed. 托尼:没用的,查普曼。泰特招供了。
DIANA: And Mr. Tate started to work here only three weeks ago. 戴安娜:泰特先生三周前才来这儿工作。
Reverend tate, he was a fire-breathing preacher. 塔特牧师,他真是个火爆的传教士。
Many fine museums have the name of a business benefactor Guggenheim or Tate, for example attached to them. 许多杰出的博物馆都冠以商人捐助者的名字,例如古根海姆(guggenheim)和泰特(tate)。
And Tate and Enzo need haircuts. 还有塔特和恩祖的头发需要修修了。
The Tate Gallery has a fine collection of modern pictures. 塔特美术馆收藏了一批很好的现代绘画。
I was placed in the Tate foster home. 塔特一家收养了我。
If you like modern art, the place to visit is the Tate Gallery. 如果你喜欢现代艺术,去参观泰特画廊。
Several of his paintings hang in the Tate gallery. 他的几幅油画挂在塔特美术馆。
In the poem, Tate is speaking his usual blind optimism. 在这首诗里,泰特表达出了他通常的那种盲目的乐观主义。
I've got to meet my wife at the Tate modern. 我要去泰德现代博物馆见我的妻子。
TONY: I think Victor Chapman and Mr. Tate are partners. 托尼:我想维克多?查普曼和泰特先生是同谋。