
n.  陶斯



  1. The most familiar lepton is the humble electron, though other, more exotic particles such as muons and taus also fall in this category.
  2. The IPP assessed by TAUS has important clinical significance to determine the severity of BPH and occurrence of AUR.
  3. Objective: To observe and contrast the morphological characteristics of polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS) under both Transadominal ( TAUS) and Transvaginal Ultrasonography ( TVUS) and find some objective and practical diagnosis standard of ultrasonography of PCOS.
  4. In observing triangle area of bladder, TVUS was superior to TAUS in displaying location, shape and vascular distribution of tumors, ectopic opening of ureter, and vascular distribution in lesions, etc.
  5. The prostate volume measured by transabdominal ultrasound ( TAUS) was larger than by 3D-CT.
  6. The display rates were respectively 36% and 88% by TAUS-CDFI and TRUS-CDFI, with a very significant difference ( P < 0.01).
  7. Results Compared with operation in102 cases, the accordance rate of TAUS and TVUS was98% in100 cases ( 100/ 102).
  8. From Aug.1992 to Aug.1994, preoperative MR, CT scan, transurethral ultrasonography ( TUUS) and transabdominal ultrasonography ( TAUS) were carried out for 27 cases of bladder tumor ( with a total of 33 tumors).
  9. Conclusion: TVUS combined with TAUS can improve the accuracy in diagnosing female pelvic diseases.
  10. Conclusion: SA and SA/ TA ratio were very important in the diagnosis of PCOS. TAUS combined with TVUS can promote the precision of diagnosis of PCOS and reduce the ratio of failure diagnosis of PCOS.
  11. Conclusion Though there is no significant difference in detection rates of bladder tumor between TRUS and TAUS, the tumor-staging by TRUS is superior to by TAUS, thus offering an important basis for therapeutic strategy.
  12. Conclusions TRUS/ TVUS was superior to TAUS and may improve the ultrasound detective rate for bladder neoplasm.