Objective To observe the alterations of taurine transport, taurine transporter ( TAUT) and cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase ( CSD) mRNA in the calcification of myocardial cells in vitro. 目的探讨离体培养钙化幼鼠心肌细胞牛磺酸(Tau)跨膜转运功能及牛磺酸转运体(TAUT)和半胱亚磺酸脱羧酶(CSD)mRNA含量的改变及意义。方法以β-磷酸甘油培养心肌细胞;
However, in the first model, the cable is simplified as a taut string without the sag curve, and in the second one, the sag curve of the cable is considered but the chord component of cable self-weight is neglected. 简化的索-桥耦合模型包括两部分内容,一是不考虑拉索的垂度,将索简化为张紧弦;二是考虑拉索的垂度曲线,但先忽略斜拉索重力的弦向分力。