Father-of-two Mr Hydras, 49, took it to a local taverner where a chef cooked it and served it with tomato, lemon and a lettuce leaf. 现年49岁的海德拉斯先生是两个孩子的父亲,他捉住章鱼后把它带到当地小餐馆里,厨师把章鱼做熟,还和西红柿、柠檬、生菜叶子一起端了出来。
One swallow does not make a summer.& John Taverner, English composer and organist. 一燕不成夏&约翰。泰维纳,英国作曲家和风琴演奏家。
We all knowthe phrase "howling at the moon" is not a commendatory term, butthe British one dairy farmer Rob Taverner do not think so. “对牛弹琴”的成语大家都明白并不是一个褒义词,但英国一个奶牛场的农夫RobTaverner却不这么认为。