He tried to implement a technocratic economic policy. 他力图实行技术统领一切的经济政策。
A technocratic economic administration combined with a clownish fa ç ade does not suffice, however: something more is needed. 一个技术官僚和经济行政的结合,再加上有一个小丑的外表还不够:还需要别的东西。
In Brussels, technocratic negotiations stalled, as European officials blamed the Greeks for not presenting serious proposals. 在布鲁塞尔,因为欧洲官员指责希腊人没有认真提出方案,技术性的谈判进入了僵局。
Since then, Italy has been run by an unelected, technocratic government headed by economist Mario Monti. 自那以后,意大利一直由经济学家马里奥•蒙蒂领导的未经选举的技术专家治国论的政府管理。
France and Italy, and southern Europe more broadly, must not accuse Germany and the north of being legalistic or technocratic simply because they expect rules to be observed. 法国和意大利,乃至所有欧洲南部国家,不能仅仅因为德国和欧洲北部国家希望规则得到遵守,就指责这些国家拘泥于法规条文或者信守技术官僚主义。
The discrediting of the technocratic elites and of EU institutions would leave a space for populist politicians to exploit. 技术官僚精英和欧盟(eu)机构的失信,将给民粹主义政客带来可乘之机。
Mr Monti's technocratic cabinet contains bankers, ambassadors and bureaucrats but no politicians. 马里奥·蒙蒂的技术性专家内阁包括银行家,外交大使和官僚们却没有政治家。
This is not to diminish the central bank, but it fulfils a largely technocratic function. 我不是在贬低中国央行,但它在很大程度上扮演的是一种技术专家的角色。
The consensus view in Brussels and Berlin is that the crisis can be solved by technocratic governments imposing structural reform and austerity. 布鲁塞尔和柏林方面一致认为,眼下这场危机可以通过由技术官僚政府实施结构改革和紧缩举措的方式得到解决。
The arrival of technocratic prime ministers in Greece and Italy has not been greeted with universal applause. 希腊和意大利技术官僚总理走马上任并没有受到普遍的赞誉。
The proposals are technocratic: an infrastructure strategy board, an infrastructure planning commission and an infrastructure bank. 这些提议带有技术专家治国色彩:建立一个基础设施战略委员会、一个基础设施规划委员会、以及一家基础设施银行。
Even when the centre-left has ruled Italy it has done so with technocratic help. 即便当中左派在意大利执政时,也是依赖着技术官僚的帮助。
In Italy, as in Greece, the expectation is that this task will fall to a technocratic government. 在意大利,与希腊一样,人们的预期是这项任务会落在一个技术官僚型政府头上。
He wanted to consolidate what his technocratic government had done. 他希望能够巩固他领导的技术官僚政府施行的政策。
The idea that the job of running the Bank of England is essentially technocratic is plainly wrong. 认为执掌英国央行基本上是个技术活的想法大错特错。
The message from China, Brazil, Russia and other emerging economies was clear: external help would be channelled through the IMF, because it is technocratic, global and detached from daily European politics. 中国、巴西、俄罗斯和其它新兴经济体发出的信息很明确:外部援助将通过IMF提供,因为它具有技术专业性和全球性,并独立于欧洲的日常政治。
It is true that in Italy there is significant popular support for an interim government, and the experience of technocratic leadership has been largely positive. 诚然,意大利民众对临时政府有着相当高的支持率,他们对技术官僚领导国家的感受也大都还算正面。
It rests on the stereotype that white people are rationalist and technocratic while colonial victims are spiritual and athletic. 它建立在白人是理性主义者和主张技术统治、而殖民牺牲者们是有精神的和体格健壮的陈腔滥调之上。
While past periods of extreme economic dislocation have often yielded demands for radical change, both Greece and Italy have installed technocratic prime ministers who are focused on correcting the past failures of government rather than imprisoning bankers. 过去一些经济极端混乱时期,通常会出现进行彻底改革的呼声,但希腊和意大利两国都选出了技术专家型总理,他们将把重点放在纠正政府过去的失误上,而不是把银行家关进监狱。
Mr Geithner represented a fresh technocratic approach in which they could believe. 而盖特纳则代表了他们可以信赖的一种全新的技术专家方式。
How many technocrats, and in which positions, justify a government's "technocratic" label? 有多少技术专家在什么职位是被贴上了政府的“技术官僚”的标签?
The decade shows that political problems cannot be solved with technocratic solutions. 过去的10年表明,技术层面的解决方案不可能解决政治问题。
The mayor, however, generally administers the city in a centrist and technocratic albeit tactless way. 然而,布隆伯格基本上是以中间派和技术官僚尽管不够圆通的方式来管理这个城市的。
The present technocratic rulers of china are seeking growth through absorption of foreign ideas and resources. 现在中国的统治者们极度重视科技,他们通过吸收外国的理念和资源不断寻求着发展。
But the main obstacle to the IMF single-handedly saving the world is not technocratic but political. 但imf独力拯救世界的主要障碍并不在于技术层面,而是在政治方面。
It is a question of making precise technocratic adjustments. 这是一个作出精确的技术官僚型调整的问题。
A purely rational or technocratic approach is likely to lead one astray. 纯然理性和技术的手段,很可能会引入歧途。
The Italian economist and former European Commissioner Mario Monti has been asked to form a new technocratic government to try to tackle Italy's massive debt. 意大利经济学家和前欧洲事务专员马里奥蒙蒂已要求形成一个新的技术官僚政府试图解决意大利的巨额债务。
Advocates of the Beijing consensus had portrayed the Chinese leadership as competent and technocratic. 鼓吹北京共识的人将中国领导层描绘为一群富有能力的技术官僚。
But the weakness of the modern European left has deeper roots. To a large extent it explains the emergence of the technocratic government in Italy led by Mario Monti, the former EU commissioner. 但是现代欧洲左派的软弱性有着更深的根源,这在很大程度上解释了为何意大利出现了由前欧盟委员会委员马里奥蒙蒂(mariomonti)为首的技术官僚政府。