Many senior managers are technologically illiterate. 许多高级经理都对技术知之甚少。
Shanghai is a technologically advanced city. 上海是中国的一个技术先进的城市。
The war-ravaged agrarian country was transformed into a technologically advanced market economy with a sophisticated social welfare system. 遭受战争破坏的农业国转变为有着完备的社会福利制度、技术发达的市场经济国家。
Israel has a technologically advanced market economy with substantial government participation. 以色列有发达的市场经济体制,政府大量参与市场运作。
These tools give businesses the takedown tactics they need, both financially and technologically. 这些工具可为企业提供他们所需的财政和技术层面上的可调整战略。
You are the most populous country on the Earth. We are the most technologically developed. 你们是世界上人口最多的国家,我们是世界上技术最发达的国家。
Policies also need to change as a country progresses technologically. 当一个国家已经在取得技术进步时,也需要改变政策。
We have become so technologically brilliant surely we will invent a solution; find a way around our problems. 我们已经变得如此辉煌的技术,我们一定会发明一种解决方案,我们找到一个解决问题的方法。
The structural characteristics and technical demand technologically of parts of pedestal-shell is analyzed and a mould structure is determined. 分析了基座壳体零件的结构特点及工艺性要求,确定了合理的模具结构。
Easy access to personal information is a perennial problem for technologically advanced societies. 对科技发达社会来说,很容易获取个人信息,是一个长期存在的问题。
At present, most IRs are distributed in technologically advanced countries. 目前,大部分的IR分布在科学技术发达的国家。
The new leaders may be better educated, more technologically inclined, and more cosmopolitan. 这些新的领导人可能受教育的层次更高,技术上更有天赋,更能以四海为家。
This contrasts with general research that suggests that women are less technologically skilled than men. 以往的研究表明女人在科技运用方面不如男人,而这项研究却展现出不一样的一面。
The State encourages the setting up of technologically advanced and export-oriented enterprises. 国家鼓励举办先进技术企业和产品出口企业。
France is technologically very advanced. 法国在技术上很先进。
Capable of threatening each other with total war, are also the most advanced technologically and industrially. 这两个能够以全面战争互相威胁的超级强国,同时在技术和工业上也是最先进偶然。
In developing CAPP system, the automatic generation of operation drawings is a key poser technologically. 在开发CAPP系统时,工序图的自动生成是一项关键性技术难题。
A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture is evident in the Indus Valley civilization. 一种久经世故和技术先进的城市文化明显地出现在印度河流域文明里。
China and the rest of Asia are on the move economically and technologically. 中国和亚洲其它国家在经济和科技方面都处于发展当中。
And the other thing I can't stand is when other countries are technologically so far ahead of us. 还有一件事我不能忍受的就是别的国家的技术领先我们这么多。
Do fast-growing LDCs behave differently technologically from slower growers? 在技术上,快速成长的不发达国家是否表现得和发展较慢国家不同?
If children can't think, read, write, and compute, they cannot adapt technologically. 如果孩子们不会思考,阅读,写作,计算,他们就不能很快的适应高科技。
The world's richest and most technologically advanced nations. 世界上最富有、技术上最先进的国家。
In technologically, it completely introduces a construction of dss. 在技术角度,全面详细介绍了一个决策支持系统的建设;
Japan is rapidly becoming the most advanced country technologically. 日本正迅速成为技术最先进的国家。
Doped silicon and germanium are technologically the most important types of semiconducting material. 添加硅和锗在工艺上是半导体物质中最重要的类型。
Roman civilization was very advanced technologically. They had underfloor central heating, for instance. 罗马文明在技术方面十分先进,例如,他们当时已经有了地下中央供暖系统。
The company claims its products to be technologically advanced and at par with global standards. 公司要求它的技术上被推进的产品和在与全球性标准的同水准。
We are aware of the environmental effect of our production processes and product lifecycles and IMG continuously work towards being as environmentally friendly as technologically practically possible. 我们都知道我们的生产流程和产品生命周期和IMG环保技术,不断朝着减少对环境的影响努力。
How could such a technologically advanced country be so unprepared? 这样一个拥有先进技术的国家怎么会如此的措手不及?