Two teenagers burgled the home of Mr Jones's mother. 两个少年闯进了琼斯先生的母亲家里行窃。
A stagnant economy combined with a surge in the number of teenagers is likely to have contributed to rising crime levels in the US. 经济停滞不前,加上青少年人数激增,可能是导致美国犯罪率上升的原因之一。
About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food. 大约10%的日本青少年超重。营养学家指出主要原因是对西式快餐越来越依赖。
Like all teenagers there's one thing she'd rather do without — spots. 和所有十几岁的孩子一样,有一样东西她宁可没有——青春痘。
In the course of my everyday life, I had very little contact with teenagers. 在我的日常生活中,我很少和青少年打交道。
Teenagers have their own infatuations. 青少年有自己醉心痴迷的东西。
Teenagers occasionally find it all too much to cope with and lapse into bad behaviour. 青少年偶尔会因感到压力太大无所适从而做出不良行为。
Thus, teenagers become mall rats, hanging out but rarely shopping in those megamalls. 于是,十几岁的孩子们没事就去逛大商场,在里面到处溜达却很少购物。
Lacking self-confidence and maturity, many teenagers are left feeling very vulnerable. 许多十几岁的孩子既缺乏自信又不够懂事,所以感情上十分脆弱。
Most teenagers like to go to parties. 大多数青少年喜欢参加派对。
Teenagers are forced to study subjects that seem remote from their daily lives. 青少年被迫学习和他们的日常生活关系不大的学科。
Five out of the ten top role models for British teenagers are black. 英国十大青少年楷模中有一半都是黑人。
Li blends right into the crowd of teenagers. Only his accent sets him apart. 李完全融入到这群青少年当中,只有他的口音跟他们不一样。
What turns teenagers off science and technology? 是什么使青少年对科学技术丧失了兴趣?
The use of narcotics by teenagers is a problem in many countries. 青少年服用麻醉药在许多国家中都是一个问题。
What will become of these teenagers if they don't study, but play cards all the time? 这些青少年不好好念书,却成天玩牌,长此以往,怎么得了?
Teenagers are most difficult. 十来岁的孩子最多事。
A couple of teenagers were kissing and cuddling on the doorstep. 一对年轻人在门阶上亲吻拥抱。
We have two children. They are now teenagers but when they were young it wasn't possible. 我有两个孩子,他们现在是青少年了,但他们小时候这是不可能的。
Teenagers take more risks than children and adults because they enjoy the thrill, new research suggests. 新研究发现,青少年要比孩子和大人更爱冒险,因为他们喜欢那份刺激的快感。
We enjoyed meeting other teenagers like us for the first time. 我们享受首次与和我们相似的青少年见面。
You sit with the other children, or teenagers, or young parents, or retirees. 你和其他的孩子、青少年、父母或退休人士坐在一起。
All teenagers have fights with their parents. 十几岁的青少年都会和父母吵架。
Brunch has become a fashion among some teenagers. 在一些青少年中,早午餐合二为一成了一种时尚。
Many teenagers still believe myths about sex and pregnancy. 许多青少年仍然相信关于性和怀孕的误传。
Many teenagers have to share a computer with siblings. 许多青少年必须和兄弟姊妹共享一台计算机。
He joined a club for teenagers. 他参加了一个青少年的俱乐部。
Teenagers are too young to have money. 青少年太年轻了,以致于不能拥有金钱。
Parents and schools are happy that teenagers are safer and smoke less. 父母和学校非常高兴看到青少年安全了而且吸烟者也少了。
I think it's important for teenagers to talk problems over with someone. 我认为对于青少年而言,和其他人讨论这些问题是很重要的。