VERB 濒临(危险的形势) Teeter is used in expressions such as teeter on the brink and teeter on the edge to emphasize that something seems to be in a very unstable situation or position.
Three of the hotels are in receivership, and others are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy... 有 3 家宾馆已破产在管,其他几家正在破产的边缘徘徊。
His voice teetered on the edge of hysteria. 他的声音近乎歇斯底里。
...white towns teetering precariously on the edge of cliffs. 在悬崖边上摇摇欲坠的几座白色小镇
VERB (人)步履蹒跚,踉踉跄跄;(物)摇摇欲坠,东倒西歪 If someone or something teeters, they shake in an unsteady way, and seem to be about to lose their balance and fall over.
Hyde shifted his weight and felt himself teeter forward, beginning to overbalance... 海德转移了一下重心,就感到自己往前倾,开始失去平衡。
He watched the cup teeter on the edge before it fell. 他眼看着茶杯在边上摇摇欲坠,然后掉落。
His voice teetered on the edge of hysteria. 他的声音近乎歇斯底里。
Dimon has indeed steered his ship toward the money waterfall while others nearly capsized and have teetered since. 当金融危机中其他银行差点翻船、至今仍颤颤巍巍之际,戴蒙带领着摩根大通赚得盆满钵满。
But in the past 11 weeks as Greece teetered on the edge of default, commodity prices have dropped. 但是在过去的11周当中,正当希腊经济动荡,濒临债务违约边缘之时,商品价格出现了下滑。
He is referring to the US central bank-orchestrated rescue of the Bear Stearns investment bank, which teetered on the brink of bankruptcy because of loan losses. 卡鲁那指的是上个月美国中央银行美联储合力帮助挽救华尔街投资银行贝尔斯登公司。贝尔斯登公司由于受到信贷亏损的打击而濒临破产。
Fake-jewel-encrusted glasses teetered on the tip of her nose, gray hair was piled on her head. 一副镶有假宝石边框的眼镜摇摇欲坠地架在她的鼻尖上,满头灰发。
Right now, we are no better off than a year ago, when several major institutions teetered on the edge of total failure, and nearly all of them were granted massive infusions of government and central bank funds. 目前,我们的状况并不比一年前更好。当时几家主要金融机构正濒临完全破产的边缘,其中几乎所有机构都得到了政府和央行注入的巨额资金。
Germany invaded Poland and the rest of the world teetered before joining the war. 第二次世界大战爆发,德国入侵了波兰,世界上其他国家在加入战争前陷入了动荡。
So as the global financial system teetered on the brink of collapse last week, Chinese officials and bankers "seemed as if they were observing events on another planet", said a senior Western banker who was in Beijing for meetings. 因此,一位到北京开会的西方资深银行家表示,当全球金融体系上周濒于崩溃的时候,中国官员和银行家“就好像是在观看另一个星球上发生的事件”。
Applied research on teetered bed separator for coarse slime separation TBS干扰床分选机在粗煤泥分选中的应用研究
Little more than a year ago, many of the largest and oldest financial firms in the world teetered on the brink of collapse, overwhelmed by the consequences of their irresponsible decisions. 一年多以前,许多世界上最大最古老的公司在经济崩溃的边缘摇摆,被他们自己做的不负责任的决定的后果压倒。
Jem skipped two steps, put his foot on the porch, heaved himself to it, and teetered a long moment. 杰姆连跨两级踏上走廊,身子跟了上去,然后踉跄好一阵才站稳。
As Libya teetered on the brink of chaos, global equities suffered significant losses. 在利比亚形势岌岌可危、濒于混乱之际,全球股市遭遇重挫。
Look back at the grand declarations made by political leaders as the global financial system teetered on the edge of self-destruction. 让我们回顾一下在全球金融体系濒临自我毁灭之际,政界领袖们发表的那些宏大声明吧。
The ladder teetered dangerously and I nearly fell off. 梯子危险地摇晃起来,我差点摔下来。
As I stood outside its brokenness that day nearly a year ago, chiding the sea, a solitary black high-heeled sandal of mine teetered on a broken slab of concrete. 一年前的那天,我站在房子的废墟旁怒斥大海时,看到了我的一只高跟黑色凉鞋行影孤单地在一块破混凝土板上摇来晃去。
With historically weak sales and two of the Detroit Three having teetered for months on the brink of collapse, analysts said car buyers are getting some of the best discounts on record. 因为历史上销售疲软以及底特律三大巨头中已有两个处于崩溃的边缘,分析人士表示购车得到了一些最佳折扣。
Based on the above analysis, the improved distributor and the feeder structure could be applied to optimize the teetered bed separator of the coarse slime. 基于以上分析,可以通过改进分布器和入料井结构来优化粗煤泥干扰床分选机。
Italy's centre-left government teetered after two small parties withdrew their support. 意大利的中心-留下在摇摇欲摆之后被的政府二个小的宴会撤回了他们的架。
Based on separation theory and equipment, introduces TBS ( Teetered Bed Separator) and CrossFlow Separator and RC ( Reflux Classifier) respectively, and application in processing fine coal. According to the analysis, fluidization bed separation is an advanced technology for separating fine coal. 文章从分选理论和设备上介绍TBS、CrossFlowseparator和RC分选设备,以及其在细粒煤分选中的应用,分析表明:液固流化床分选技术是适合细粒煤分选的先进技术。