The Tel, an artificial mountain, entombs Jericho's ancient past. 泰勒山作为一座人造山掩藏着杰里科过去古老的历史。
No city, Tel Aviv or Jerusalem included, is home to more Jews than New York 没有一个城市,包括特拉维夫与耶路撒冷在内,像纽约市一样拥有如此之多的犹太居民。
Tel Aviv's Kings Square was renamed Yitzhak Rabin Square 特拉维夫的国王广场更名为伊扎克·拉宾广场。
Slut, we know that you betrayed me! tel no access, gone! 贱人,就知道你背叛我啦!电话也不接,完啦!
Could you tel me where I can take a taxi? 您能告诉我在哪儿可以搭出租车吗?
Since moving to New York ( while my team remains in Tel Aviv), I have been suffering from severe jet lag. 自从搬到了纽约(而我的团队留在特拉维夫),我就一直被严重的时差困扰着。
The tel type is a text field designed to contain telephone numbers. tel类型是一个文本字段,旨在包含电话号码。
We set "tel" to the initial value of zero. 我们将“tel”的初值设置为0。
The plane had been heading from Tel Aviv, Israel to Novosibirsk. 该架飞机从以色列特拉维夫飞往新西伯利亚。
Turkey for more than a year has mediated between Tel Aviv and Damascus. 土耳其用了一年多的时间调解特拉维夫和大马士革的关系。
The only thing I brought is that photograph that I found in Tel Aviv. 我只带来了一样东西&我在特拉维夫找到的那张照片。
Mock missiles and TELs may also be deployed nearby as camouflage. 仿真的导弹和TEL也可能在附近部署用于伪装。
But someone has to Tel I you sometime. 但是总有一天有人会告诉你。
Professor Emeritus of Computers and Information Systems at the Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University. 特拉维夫大学管理学计算机与信息系统名誉教授。
But thanks to a Tel Aviv University study, trying for a baby has just been made easier. 但由于TelAviv大学的研究,尝试受孕已经变得比较容易。
Herzl Chai of Tel Aviv University's School of Mechanical Engineering and his colleagues at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and George Washington University gives the answer. 特拉维夫大学机械工程学院的HerzlChai教授和他的同事们在标准和技术国立研究院和乔。华盛顿大学给出了这个答案。
Tel I her I'm not here. 跟她说我不在。
Tetraethyl lead ( TEL) is a Class B poison and environmentally unacceptable for health reasons. 四乙基铅(TEL)是乙种的毒物并且在健康理由方面被环境所不能接受的。
In Tel Aviv they showed you evidence for this? 在特拉维夫他们给你看了这个的证据了?
Early variant of the DF-31 was carried on a16-wheel Hanyang HY473 TEL consisting of a tractor and a semi-trailer. DF-31的早期型装载在一辆16轮的HanyangHY473竖立式运输发射架(TEL)车辆,由一辆牵引车和一辆半拖车所组成。
Tomorrow I am going to work in Tel aviv. 明天我就会去特拉维夫工作。
Where to find something weird and wonderful in Tel Aviv. 哪里可以找到在特拉维夫的神秘和奇妙的东西。
Earlier this week the Umbrella singer performed in Tel Aviv. 本周早些时候她在特拉维夫市进行了表演。
He may be tel* the truth but he is keeping something back. 他在陈述事实,但他隐瞒了一些事。
How can you tel I me to get off for real? 你怎么能真想让我下车?
I'm Tel I ing you it was no use trying to stop her. 我跟你说,想要阻止她是白费力气。
I remember you tel I ing me but I forgot. 我记得你告诉过我,可我忘了。
The TEL vehicle then carries the missile to the launch site with pre-calculated coordinate data. TEL车辆然后采用预先计算好的坐标数据携带导弹到发射位置。