So, players of a Star Wars game may some day be able to'lift'an object by telekinesis, instead of hitting a button on a controller. 因此,星球大战的玩家有一天或许能通过这种感应举起某个物体,再也不用控制器上的按键了。
What if telekinesis was real? How would you react? 如果真的有人能隔空移物,你会如何反应?
That is the description on this terrifying video where a woman in a New York coffee shop apparently uses the power of telekinesis to throw someone up against the wall. 上面这段惊悚的视频就描述了这种状况。在纽约街头咖啡馆里,一个女人使用隔空移物的超能力将别人推到了墙上。
Prerequisite: Ability to use telekinesis as a supernatural ability. 先决条件:能以超自然能力使用心灵遥控能力。
You can also have a telekinesis effect by making confetti jump up and down on a table! 您也可以隔空效应,使纸屑跳上跳下放在桌上!
Once you've obtained the Telekinesis plasmid, return to the area where you emerged from the water. 一旦你得到了“心灵遥控”质粒,回到领域,你出现在水里。
It's getting tepid reviews from realists, who argue that the EPOC is not the "mass market device for people looking for a turnkey telekinesis solution" that everyone hoped it might be. 它变得不温不火,从现实主义评论,谁认为,太平洋业务中心是不是找了一个希望大家可以交钥匙心灵传动解决方案“,是”大众市场设备的人。
A creature with this feat becomes so skilled with its telekinesis ability that it can manipulate and use magic items via telekinesis. 具有此专长的生物对于其心灵遥控能力是如此熟练,它可以通过心灵遥控能力巧妙地操作和使用魔法物品。
Exact Calculation for the Vigor Imposed on the Shaft in Ordinary Belt Telekinesis 普通带传动压轴力的精确计算