These virtual tellers can do things like write checks, open and close accounts, even handle loans in addition to the typical ATM functions. 除了ATM的典型功能之外,这些虚拟出纳员还可以完成开支票、开设、关闭账户甚至处理贷款等事情。
Because of this, my fellow tellers and I often find ourselves having to explain how it's done. 由于这个原因,我与同事们经常不得不告知他们如何去做。
I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties; clerks in hardware stores and tellers in banks have noses that function as well as my party-going friends '. 我不会珍藏我的名贵香水去等待一个特殊的晚会,商店职员和银行出纳员的鼻子跟我舞友的鼻子有着同样的功能。
Right now many bank employees, such as tellers, cannot work on concurrent processes simultaneously. 现在很多银行雇员,如出纳员,无法同步地与并发过程工作。
Turn your attention now to providing a user interface for bank tellers to initiate the four core functions. 现在,考虑为银行出纳员提供执行四个核心功能的用户界面。
Similar to multiple bank tellers servicing a single line of waiting customers, efficiency improves when developers instead sign up for the next task when they've completed the last task. 类似于银行的多个出纳员服务一条等待的客户队伍,当开发人员完成一个任务准备进入下一个任务的时候他们的效率会有所改进。
There are different bank employees, including platform sales and tellers. 存在不同类型的银行员工,包括平台销售和出纳。
The tellers cowered in the corner as the bandit ransacked the bank. 当强盗洗劫银行的时候工作人员都畏缩在墙角。
Tellers use them to provide immediate computer access for all transactions. 出纳员使用它们将所进行的所有业务内容立即送入计算机或从计算机中取出。
Often superb story tellers, they turn lecturessintosgrand historical drama. 常常是极棒的故事大王的教授们把演讲课变成了美妙的历史戏剧。
We've long felt that the only value of stock forecasters is to make fortune tellers look good. 很久以来我们一直认为股市预测唯一的价值在于使得算命先生不失业。
For example, bank tellers get deposit and withdrawal requests from customers, and get approvals for withdrawals from bank officers. 例如,银行出纳员接受客户的存款和取款请求,接受银行主管人的取款批准。
Fortune tellers believe the pythons are magic snakes that will bring prosperity and peace to the village. 卜算者认为,蟒蛇是一种有魔力的蛇类,它们能为村庄带来繁荣与和平。
A masked robber burst into a bank and forced the tellers to load a sack full of cash. 一个蒙面劫匪闯进银行,枪指着银行职员的头,让他们把麻袋装满钱。
Whether Asian economies are up to that long-term challenge is something on which fortune tellers might usefully comment. 亚洲经济能否战胜这一长期挑战,算命大师们或许可以发表些有用的评论。
Clerks in hardware stores and tellers in banks have noses that function as well as my party going friends. 五金商店售货员和银行出纳员们的嗅觉和我晚会上朋友们的一样灵敏。
Most US banks have recently moved towards universal tellers. 近来大多数美国银行已采用万能出纳机。
Many Chinese consult the fortune tellers to see whether particular names will bring them good luck or not. 许多人会去找算命的要看看什麽名字会带来好运。
The use of automatic tellers is particularly used in large cities. 在大城市里,还特别投入了自动出纳机。
On the day of his naming, 800 fortune tellers were invited to the palace. 在他命名的那天,有八百个算命者被邀请到宫中。
Some tellers make their stories more lively by performing in native dress, and others act out their characters. 有些人讲故事时身着民族服装,另一些人则采用表演的方式。
Different from the tellers, shape and meaning from the text made a unique interpretation! 不同于测字,从文字造型和字义上做出独特解释!
Hence, no two versions of an urban legend are ever exactly alike; there can be as many variants as there are tellers of the tale. 因此,没有任何两个版本的都市传说会完全的相似,他们就像故事的讲述者的不同而有所差别。
But we don't like the tellers to know we are coming. It's supposed to be a surprise inspection. 但是我们不愿意事先就让出纳员们知道我们要来检查,应该是一种出乎意料的检查。
Korean fortune tellers say that, in years this rare, water will flow along dry river-beds. 韩国算命师说,在此等罕见年间,所有干涸河床将可喜逢甘霖。
The lines in front of the tellers were four deep. 出纳员前的排队队伍,每条都是四层深。
Mr. Lu goes to one of the tellers 'windows at the bank. 陆先生到一个办事窗口。
Tellers have a duty to embellish and elaborate, even to steal. 作者有责任润色并使其变得更复杂,甚至去偷窃。
Legends, like myths, are prose narratives regarded by their tellers as true; 传说与神话有相同的方面,被讲述者看作真实的叙事散文;
Tellers will collect the ballot forms and the result will be known at midnight. 点票员会把选票集中起来,选举结果午夜时就可以见分晓。