临时雇员;临时工 A temp is a person who is employed by an agency that sends them to work in different offices for short periods of time, for example to replace someone who is ill or on holiday.
VERB 当临时雇员;打零工 If someone is temping, they are working as a temp.
Like so many aspiring actresses, she ended up waiting tables and temping in office jobs... 和许许多多曾经满怀抱负的女演员一样,她最后只能端端盘子,在办公室打打零工。
Mrs Reynolds has been temping since losing her job. 雷诺兹夫人自从失业以来,一直在做临时工。
Like so many aspiring actresses, she ended up waiting tables and temping in office jobs 和许许多多曾经满怀抱负的女演员一样,她最后只能端端盘子,在办公室打打零工。
Mrs Reynolds has been temping since losing her job. 雷诺兹夫人自从失业以来,一直在做临时工。
The additional compression also leads to better performance with indexes and temp tables. 压缩范围的扩大有助于提高索引和临时表的性能。
Open a command prompt and go to the temp directory. 打开命令提示符并转到这个临时目录。
For performance reasons, a SORT without sort keys is chosen for this dam over a regular temp table. 出于性能的原因,这里为常规临时表上的dam选择一个没有排序键的SORT。
You should be able to find all files in the initrd image under directory temp now. 您现在应当可以在temp目录的initrd映像中找到所有文件。
If necessary the Temp and Demo directories are created as well. 如果有必要,还需要创建目录Temp和Demo。
They are useful to understand buffer pool, I/ O and temp space usage of your XML data. 它们对于了解XML数据的缓冲池、I/O和临时空间的使用情况很有用。
IORFileLocation: Provide a qualified path for any temp folder on your local file system. IORFileLocation:在您的文件系统上为所有临时文件夹提供一个有资格的路径。
Copy the XMLUpdate_code. zip ( found in the Downloads section) to your temp directory. 将XMLUpdatecode.zip(可以在下载部分找到)复制到temp目录。
These commands will extract whole file system with its directory structure under directory temp. 这些命令将提取temp目录下包含目录结构的整个文件系统。
IWA does not handle all types of queries yet, such as correlated sub-queries or queries using temp tables. IWA还无法处理所有类型的查询,比如关联子查询或使用临时表的查询。
This editor helps you specify database-related information such as temp db, index db location, and default size. 使用配置编辑器指定与数据库相关的信息,比如临时数据库、索引数据库位置和默认大小。
Use a "permanent" table because declared global temp tables do not currently allow XML columns. 使用“持久性的”表是因为声明的全局临时表当前不允许XML列。
One of my tests used a query to select records into a temp table and then a second query to further refine the results from the temp tables. 我的一个测试中使用了一个查询,该查询将一些记录挑选出来放入一个临时表中,然后另一个查询将进一步筛选临时表中的结果。
Ask a friendly temp or employment agency to check that out for you. 让一个临时朋友或职业介绍所帮你问清楚原因。
Connect a jumper between the battery temp sensor signal and sensor GND ckts. 电池温度感知器信号和感知器接地电路S之间设一条跳线。
By default, the temp environment variable points to a different directory for each account. 默认情况下,temp环境变量会为每个帐户指向不同的目录。
Remove the declaration and the assignment of the temp. 把这个变量的声明和对其赋值的代码删除掉。
Initially, how come I don't have declare temp as what? 最初,为什么我不声明temp成什么?
There was an error attempting to create a temp folder. 试图创建临时文件夹时出错。
Liver temp is close to ambient. 肝温都和环境温度差不多了。
This command opens the temp folder. 此命令打开temp文件夹。
Expose specimen in specified high and low temp, duration and cycles. 暴露样品于规定的高低温、持续时间和周期中。
OK [ SYS/ TEMP] Due to a temporary system problem, this mailbox will seem empty. 大意是:由于一个暂时的系统问题,这个邮箱将被视为空邮箱。
No temporary directory found; check your "temp" environmental variable. 没有找到临时目录;请检查您的“temp”环境变量。
Returns a unique path in the Temp folder within your current project. 返回一个在当前项目中的临时目录的唯一路径。
Indexes on local temp tables cannot be created, rebuilt, or dropped online. 无法为本地临时表联机创建、重新生成或删除索引。
Well, what's in temp? 好的,temp里是什么?
This restriction does not apply to indexes on global temp tables. 全局临时表的索引则没有此限制。