'Well, sir, I'd be very careful about using a thing like that,'said the Colonel.'Who knows what the Templars used it for? Dangerous lot of people, they were.' 哎呀,先生,用那样一个东西,我会很小心的,上校说,谁知道那些圣殿骑士用它干过什么呢?那都是些危险的人物。
The Templars were all but exterminated. 几乎所有的圣殿武士都被处死了。
Templars now get Offensive Stance at GM. 圣堂武士现在得到了GM级的进攻姿势。
And just like the example in the question, Stalkers with blink ability and High Templars with psionic storm can be counter Banshees as well. 就像你刚刚提问到的,拥有闪烁技能的追踪者和掌握了心灵风暴的高阶圣堂是对付女妖战机的好方法。
But the Templars were created to protect the Holy land. 但是传说中圣殿武士团为了保护圣地而建立的。
That is the Dark Obelisk, a prerequisite building to build Dark Templars. 附件那张图片是暗黑方尖碑,是建造暗黑圣堂武士的前置建筑。
Will Dark Templars be invisible when warping in, or susceptible to attack for a few seconds before it fades out? 暗黑圣堂在远程传送的过程中是否隐身,或者在它进入隐身状态之前的几秒钟时间里极易受到攻击?
Templars. Meanwhile, while your enemy is busy at defending against this. 期间,当你的敌人正忙于抵御这些时。
They were disbanded in1307, after hundreds of Templars were simultaneously arrested and tortured in France on orders from the Pope and the King. 后来,在教皇和法兰西国王联手构陷下,以异端罪名解散骑士团,数百名团员同时被捕受刑罹难。
One day the Templars simply stopped searching. 有一天骑士团突然停止了寻找活动。
Confrere Knights are knights who have joined the Templars for a short term and were permitted to marry in exchange for bequeathing half their estate upon their death. 精英类型:宗教部队荣誉骑士为骑士团短期成员,可以结婚成家,但死后必须将半数财产遗赠骑士团。
Dark Templars also end up eviscerating Marauders in a ruthless fashion. 黑暗圣堂无情的把掠夺者切成几块。
The reasons of the trial of the templars are complex and various, Philip IV is the key man of the trial. 圣殿骑士团受审的原因是复杂而多样的,法王菲利普四世在这场审判的发起中起到了关键性的作用。
The trial being from 1307 is destructive to the templars, and it is one of the most important events in 14th century. 这场发起于1307年的审判,对圣殿骑士团所造成的打击是毁灭性的,也是14世纪最重要的历史事件之一。
The enormous wealth which Templars accumulate in the west, especially the huge system of banking and credit, make they vulnerable to be attacked by feudal ruler. 圣殿骑士团在西方积累的巨额财富、特别是其200年以来发展起来的庞大的金融信贷体系,使得其容易成为封建君主打击的对象。
The decline of Crusade and the fall of Acre in 1291, make templars brought to a serious crisis. 十字军运动的衰落特别是1291年阿克的陷落,使得圣殿骑士团在基督教世界中陷入了严重的危机之中。