Experience in repair of eyelid ectropion with temporofrontal flap 颞额部皮瓣修复眼睑外翻的体会
Method: 44 patients with lateral skull base tumors were treated by surgery, the surgical procedures were maxillary swing approach in 7 cases, mandibular swing approach in 17 cases, postauricular C incision approach in 16 cases, temporofrontal approach in 4 cases. 方法:44例患者中,采用下颌外旋入路17例,耳后C形切口入路16例,上颌外旋入路7例,颞额入路4例。
Combination incisions in frontal-temporal large craniotomy for extensive temporofrontal severe head injury 组合切口额颞大骨瓣开颅救治广泛额颞部脑损伤