N-VAR 诱惑;引诱;诱惑物;诱因 If you feel you want to do something or have something, even though you know you really should avoid it, you can refer to this feeling as temptation. You can also refer to the thing you want to do or have as a temptation .
Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy? 他们能忍住诱惑不买吗?
...the many temptations to which you will be exposed. 你将面临的许多诱惑
It takes a man of iron to resist some of the temptations that go with an important job like that. 一个意志坚强的人才能抵制住那项重要工作带来的某些诱惑。
Stubborn temptations and overwhelming problems can be defeated by Christ when given to him. 当你将一切交给他时,基督能胜过顽强的试探与过不去的难处。
Reviewing the team goals will avoid any negative sabotage temptations during those hard times. 审查团队目标将避免那些艰难时期中的所有消极的怠工。
You must guard your reputation& personal integrity* Temptations are very likely to appear. 你必须捍卫自己的荣誉和操守,你可能面对很多诱惑。
Dont have TV or the internet in your bedroom to avoid late night temptations. 在卧室里就不要摆放电视或可以上网的电脑了,这样你就不会受到诱惑而熬夜了。
What are my worst time-wasting temptations? 最诱惑我浪费时间的事是什么?
They need proper protection to all the temptations and evils of society. 面对社会上的各种诱惑和邪恶,他们需要适当的保护。
One of the rules for being rich is to avoid frivolous temptations. 变为富有的第一个规则是避免无重要意义的诱惑。
You must push away the many temptations that are always present or your schedule is useless. 得推开那些不断出现的诱惑,否则你的日程表就没用了。
This way you can cut down your temptations to be distracted too easily. 这样一来,别人找你的途径就少了,你就不会轻易被其他事骚扰了。
The problem is that later is also filled with temptations. 但问题是之后的生活也将充满无穷的诱惑。
Facing many temptations, how many people can grasp oneself, how many people will therefore lose yourself? 面对着诸多的诱惑,有多少人能把握好自己,又有多少人不会因此而迷失自己?
Even so, the temptations are too great for man to resist. 尽管如此,对人类来说,诱惑力太大了。
The situation created temptations. 这种现实产生了诱惑。
But it also offers possibilities and temptations. 但西伯利亚也提供了种种可能性和诱惑。
Those who have successfully resisted all such temptations should form the tribunal. 那些成功地抵制了这些诱惑的人,可以对事情作出评论。
He admitted to doing wrong but declared the temptations were too strong for him to resist. 他承认他的行为不对,可是归罪于社会的引诱力太大,他没法抵抗。
The temptations to which he was continually exposed. 他经常接触到的一些诱惑物。
Noise of the city, flashing neon, mobilize the rhythm, and full of temptations. 喧嚣的城市,闪亮的霓虹,调动的节奏,充满了诱惑。
Pray for the strength you need to avoid temptations. 求神给你力量来避免诱惑。
There are so many temptations to dissipate and idle there. 在那里使人放荡与懒惰的诱惑可太多了。
Conditions such as extreme incentives or temptations exist that can unnecessarily and unfairly test people's adherence to ethical values. 与极端的鼓励和诱惑类似的条件存在,对人们道德标准的坚持做出不必要的和不公平的测试。
The United States was brand new, or almost so; old errors and temptations had been eschewed. 美国是崭新的或者几乎是崭新的国家,摆脱了旧日的错误和诱惑。
O Lord, I know there are issues to face, temptations to withstand, and enemies to meet. 主啊,我知道我要处理问题,要抗拒试探,要面对仇敌;
The difficulties, pressures, temptations, etc that beset us all. 缠绕着我们的困难,压力,诱惑等。
You should free yourself from any prejudice, resist temptations and don't let anything warp your judgment. 你应该摆脱偏见,抵制诱惑,不让任何东西扭曲了你的判断。
I believe this principle alone could eliminate some of the most difficult temptations confronting you. 我相信,这一原则可以消除你所面对的最难以克服的诱惑。
Nowadays, people have to guard themselves from different kinds of temptations in society. 现在人们必须对社会上存在的各种各样的诱惑提高警惕。
We've recorded a song, I Know, for The Fighting Temptations soundtrack. 我们已为电影《动感诱惑》录制了一首配乐《我知道》。
How long after you became a Christian, did you discover you still had problems and temptations? 你成了基督徒之后的多久,才发现自己仍会遇上各色各样的问题和试探?