Tenons for spindle noses with 7:24 tapers Structural strength finite element analysis of membrane in marine laminated membrane coupling GB/T3837.2-1983机床工具7:24圆锥联结主轴端面键船用膜片联轴器的膜片结构强度有限元分析
A mortise joint formed by interlocking tenons and mortises. 通过连锁的凸榫和榫眼制成的榫点。
One board had two tenons, equally distant one from another: thus did he make for all the boards of the tabernacle. 36:22每块有两榫相对。帐幕一切的板都是这样作。
Rosewood furniture is made by tenons, not nails. 红木家具的制作是用入榫方法,不用钉子。
The fixture must be positioned relative to the machine table, this is done by engaging the two tenons at the bottom of the fixture in the slot in the machine table. 夹具必须相对于铣床工作台定位,这可通过把夹具底部的两个凸榫插入工作台上的槽中来实现。
Most tenons also have shoulder cuts on the top and bottom edges. 大多数榫头除了在长边方向有榫肩,在两个短边方向也有榫肩。
One fastening is an attaching fastening, wherein, two U-shaped dovetail groove tenons in reverse directions are arranged on a U-shaped block. 三是挂接连接件,是在U形块上有方向相反的两个U形燕尾槽榫。
And forty sockets of silver he made under the twenty boards; two sockets under one board for his two tenons, and two sockets under another board for his two tenons. 在这二十块板底下又作四十个带卯的银座,两卯接这块板上的两榫,两卯接那块板上的两榫。
Study on Subgrade Reacting Force Distribution Rule of Sluice With Tenons Under the Foundation Mat 底板有齿坎时水闸地基反力分布规律的研究
By comparing and analysing of the observed value and computational results, it is found that the subgrade reacting force is nonuniform and concentrated under the tenons. 通过实测值、计算值的对比分析,发现底板有齿坎时水闸地基反力分布并不均匀,地基反力在两端齿坎下相对集中。
The subgrade reacting force in different stages through construction period is measured by in-site testing of a real sluice with tenons under the foundation mat, the corresponding subgrade reacting force is worked out by FEM ( finite element method). 对一建在软基上底板有齿坎的水闸进行原型试验,测试不同工况下底板的地基反力,用有限元法计算相应的地基反力。
The tenons are depicted in mathematics, and according to the mathematic model, the cutting tracks are formed. 对铣削加工的榫形作了数学描述,并根据榫形的数学模型生成铣削时的刀具轨迹。