Objective To investigate the efficacy and feasibility of the minimally invasive treatment to flexor tendon tenosynovitis. 目的探讨微创治疗屈指肌腱腱鞘炎的疗效与可行性。
Chronic and extensive inflammation of the paratenon leads to stenosing tenosynovitis, producing a functional hallux rigidus. 肌腱周的慢性和广泛的感染会引起狭窄性腱鞘炎,引起功能性的拇强直。
The cure of ammoniac candy and tenosynovitis? 氨糖与腱鞘炎的治疗?
Tuberculous tenosynovitis is an uncommon extrapulmonary tuberculosis. 结核性腱鞘炎是罕见的肺外结核病。
Tenosynovitis, synovitis, and bone edema independently correlate with disease activity measures in RA and suggest radiographic progression. 腱鞘炎、滑膜炎和骨水肿分别与RA疾病活动度相关,且提示影像学进展。
Objective To discuss the therapeutic effectiveness of intrathecal injection plus needle and scalpel on strictured tenosynovitis of finger flexor tendon. 目的探讨注射加针刀治疗指屈肌腱狭窄性腱鞘炎疗效。
Tuberculosis should be included in the differential diagnoses of chronic tenosynovitis of unknown cause whenever active pulmonary tuberculosis exists. 慢性腱鞘炎不论是否同时罹患活动性肺结核,别诊断均应包括结核病。
Objective To observe the treatment efficacy of trigger point injection and knife-needle for constrictive flexor digitorum tenosynovitis. 目的观察痛点注射与针刀治疗屈指肌腱狭窄性腱鞘炎的临床效果。
Methods A retrospective comparison was made on the curative efficacy in 78 patients with stenosing tenosynovitis of the hand. 方法回顾性对比分析78例手部狭窄性腱鞘炎的治疗效果,按挑拨方法的不同分为2组。
Anatomy study of the treatment of stenosing tenosynovitis with push shear knife 推割刀治疗狭窄性腱鞘炎的解剖学观察
Avian reovirus ( ARV) can cause viral tenosynovitis, malabsorption, and respiratory diseases in chickens. 禽呼肠病毒能引起鸡的腱鞘炎、吸收障碍综合征和呼吸道疾病。
Treating Tenosynovitis 102 Cases with Small Needle Knife and Local Inflammatory Agent 小针刀配合局部消炎针剂治疗腱鞘炎102例
27 Cases of Tenosynovitis Stenosans Treated with C0_2 Laser CO2激光治疗桡骨茎突狭窄性腱鞘炎27例
Arthritis/ tenosynovitis of chickens is the most important disease caused by ARV. ARV infected birds are also characterized by diarrhea, disorders of enteric function, low conversion rate of feed, growth tardiness etc. 此外,ARV感染更多的是导致腹泻、消化道功能紊乱、饲料转化率低、羽毛生长差,以及生长缓慢等病征。
Conclusion The prednisolone suspension has an effective achievement in the regional block treatment of tenosynovitis of long head of biceps brachii. 结论强的松龙混悬液局部封闭对肱二头肌长头腱腱鞘炎有良好的治疗效果。
Chinese herbs effective to nourish liver kidney, dispel wind dampness were employed to treat 68 cases of tenosynovitis. 运用补肝肾、祛风湿中药熏洗治疗狭窄性腱鞘炎68例。
Conclusion Trigger point injection is an effective method for treatment of constrictive flexor digitorum tenosynovitis with mild symptom and short duration; 结论痛点注射疗法对屈指肌腱狭窄性腱鞘炎症状较轻、病程较短的Ⅰ度患者疗效高,且损伤小。
Ultrasound-guided syringe needle laceration in the treatment of stenosing tenosynovitis 超声引导下针头挑拨治疗手部狭窄性腱鞘炎
Moxibustion for 30 Cases of Tennis Elbow and Tenosynovitis 隔药灸治疗网球肘和腱鞘炎30例
Effect of prednisolone on regional block therapy of tenosynovitis of long head of biceps brachii 强的松龙局部封闭治疗肱二头肌长头腱腱鞘炎
Methods 47 diagnosed patients with tenosynovitis of long head of biceps brachii were enrolled and subjected to the regional block therapy with the prednisolone suspension and lidocaine. 方法对47例确诊为肱二头肌长头腱腱鞘炎的患者进行强的松龙混悬液加利多卡因局部封闭治疗,并进行半年至一年半的随访。
There were reports in literatures that treatments with needle knife caused tendon rupture, and adhesion of tendon seriously afer operation, and recurrences of tenosynovitis and peripheral nerve injury, and infection of tissue, and so on. 文献中有报道,发现针刀治疗有可能造成肌腱断裂、术后肌腱严重粘连、腱鞘炎复发和周围神经损伤以及感染等严重并发症。
Small needle knife radial treatment of sudden stem narrow tenosynovitis symptoms, and remove symptom is rapidly, and treatment time short, low prices, without any side effects. 小针刀治疗桡骨茎突狭窄性腱鞘炎疗效确切,解除症状较迅速,治疗时间短,价格低廉,无副作用。
Avain viral arthritis which is also called infectious tenosynovitis, is cauded by Avian reoviruses in chickens and turkeys. 禽病毒性关节炎也称为传染性腱鞘炎,是由禽呼肠孤病毒(Avianreoviruses,ARV)引起的鸡和火鸡的一种以关节炎、腱鞘炎、吸收障碍为特征的免疫抑制病。