Femtosecond 、 terawatt level ti ∶ sappire laser system 飞秒、太瓦级钛宝石激光系统
Interactions of Subpicosecond Terawatt Laser Light with Matter 亚皮秒太瓦脉冲激光与物质相互作用研究进展
Meanwhile, the chirped pulse amplification technique has boosted the peak power of the pulse to the terawatt level. 与此同时,掣波脉冲放大已经把脉冲的峰值功率提高到兆兆瓦水平。
Optimized design of a system of generating terawatt laser pulses by use of optical parametric chirped pulse amplification 用光学参量啁啾脉冲放大技术产生TW级激光脉冲系统的最优化设计
This paper reports hot electron energy spectrum measured with electron spectrometer, and Optical Transition Radiation measured with optical time-integrated image of CCD during the interaction of laser-solid target in targets at the rear-side radiation of laser on 20 Terawatt femtosecond laser facility. 报道了在20TWfs激光器上采用电子磁谱仪和光学CCD积分成像相机分别对激光固体靶相互作用在靶背方向产生的超热电子能谱及其光学渡越辐射进行的测量。