It assumes that you've already taken the three previous tutorials in this series ( see Resources) and have a basic understanding of text-editing techniques. 假定您已经完成了本系列文章中的前三部分教程(请参见参考资料),并对各种文本编辑技术有基本的了解。
For example, consider the myriad programs today that provide text-editing support ( mail clients, word processors, IDEs, and so on). 例如,考虑到目前的无数程序,它们提供文本编辑支持(邮件客户机、文字处理程序、IDE等等)。
Text-editing operations are normally done interactively, inside a text editor application. 文本编辑操作通常在文本编辑器应用程序中交互式地进行。
Text-editing software has to cope with a Western European legacy written into the very structure of old-style UNIX file systems, let alone terminal emulators or shell scripting languages. 文字编辑软件必须处理写入古老的UNIX文件系统中的遗留字符,不管是终端模拟器,还是shell脚本语言。
If a text-editing application were to rely on Linux/ UNIX system resources, it would rely on a thinly disguised locale() call to provide sufficient information to be able to code a basic text editor. 如果文字编辑应用程序依赖于Linux/UNIX系统资源,那么它会使用一个稍加改变的locale()调用,以提供足够多的信息来编写基本的文字编辑器。
The slackers of the world also use it as a general pager ( cat file) and a complete text-editing environment ( cat> file). 世界上的懒鬼们还将它用作通用分页程序(catfile)和完整的文本编辑环境(cat>file)。
This article demonstrates basic text-editing techniques with three of the most primary command-line editing tools readily available on all systems: cat, ed, and sed. 本文使用在所有系统上都随时可用的三个最主要的命令行编辑工具来演示基本的文本编辑技术:cat、ed和sed。
Switches to text-editing mode so you can add text to the selected AutoShape 切换到文字编辑模式,以便给所选自选图形添加文字