Damaging Nucleus Centromedianus Thalami for Treatment of Cancer Pain in Experimental and Clinical Aspects; Mechanisms of Central Sensitization of Neuropathic Hyperalgesia in the Hypothalamic Arcuate Nucleus 丘脑中央中核毁损治疗癌症顽痛的实验和临床研究神经病理性痛觉过敏下丘脑弓状核中枢敏感化的机理研究
After through the dura, the artery was divided into ascending and descending branches with a sharp angle. This is holoprosencephaly in which there is a single large ventricle with fusion of midline structures, including thalami. 腰膨大动脉穿硬膜后于脊髓前正中裂分为升、降两支,其与降支夹角成锐角;前脑无裂畸形,是一个较大正中线结构消失的脑室,包括丘脑。
This is holoprosencephaly in which there is a single large ventricle with fusion of midline structures, including thalami. 前脑无裂畸形,是一个较大正中线结构消失的脑室,包括丘脑。
The excitement of hippocampus can inhibit nociceptive stimulation from being transmitted to the nervous center via nucleus posterior thalami. The midpiece connects with the posterior end of the nucleus. 研究结果证明,海马和丘脑后核间存在功能上的联系,海马的兴奋通过丘脑后核,抑制伤害性刺激向中枢的传输。中片连着细胞核的后端。
The main character of brain CT is symmetric butterfly shape hypodense lesions in both thalami. CT以双侧丘脑成蝶形对称性低密度灶为特征。
Relationship between P300 and Ventralis Posterolateralis Thalami Nucleous and Medial Septal Nucleous 家兔P300样电位与丘脑腹后外侧核及隔区内侧核关系的研究
Convergence of afferent impulses from radial nerve and sciatic nerve in the nucleus DORSOLATERALIS posterior thalami in pigeons 家鸽桡神经和坐骨神经传入冲动在丘脑背外后核的会聚
Conclusion The bilateral and symmetric calcifications of the basal ganglia, caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus and thalami are CT feature of Fahr's disease while the normal levels of serumal calcium, phosphorus and parathormone are the critical indices for differentiating Fahr's disease from other diseases. 结论双侧大脑基底节区、尾状核、豆状核及丘脑对称性钙化是Fahr's病的CT特征,而血清中钙、磷及甲状旁腺素水平正常是Fahr's病与其他疾病鉴别的关键指标。
The express of C-fos 、 NOS is higer including dorsal ganglion, nucleus ventralis posterolateralis thalami, nucleus ventralis posteromedialis thalami both group ⅰ and group ⅲ; Ⅰ组、Ⅲ组C-fos、NOS在脊神经节、背侧丘脑腹后外侧核、背侧丘脑腹后内侧核表达较高;
To compare with average values of gray density brain tissues of different gestational age infants that the older is gestational age, the higher is the average values of gray density in whit matters of frontal lobe, occipital lobe, thalami. 比较不同胎龄新生儿颅脑各部位超声背景回声的平均灰度值,其结果显示:丘脑基底核、额叶白质、枕叶白质背景回声的平均灰度值随胎龄增加而增高。
Connection of the Nucleus Dorsolateralis Thalami in Chickens& A HRP Study 鸡丘脑背外侧核纤维联系&HRP法研究
The study of activities of neurotransmitter of thalami by vagus nerve stimulation in epileptic rats 迷走神经刺激影响致痫大鼠丘脑神经递质受体活动的实验研究
The brain stereotactic technique was used to damage the nucleus centromedianus thalami with radiofrequency coagulation lesions. 应用脑立体定向技术,对CM核行热凝射频毁损。
Computer-drawn view of three monkey thalami shown a technique which permits reconstruction of brain structures for three dimensional display and analysis. 猴丘脑的计算机重建图象是一种可对脑内任何结构进行三维空间的立体重建和展示分析的技术。
Methods The morphology of mast cells in both thalami was observed at different time after ligating the right common carotid artery by using toluidine blue staining. 方法结扎大鼠右侧颈总动脉,在不同低灌时间点处死动物,甲苯胺蓝染色,观察两侧丘脑内肥大细胞的形态及数量。
The effect of electro-acupuncture on evoked potentials of cerebral somatosensory area, nucleus centrum MEDIANUM thalami ( cm) and nervi peronaeus communis in rabbits 电针穴位对家兔皮层感觉区、丘脑中央中核及腓总神经诱发电位的影响
The most common locations of IMBs in patients with stroke were basal ganglia, thalami and cortico-subcortical region. IMBs在脑卒中患者中分布以基底节/丘脑区、皮质及皮质下区多见。