Directly following school, Miss Hill began working theatrically in a variety of venues all around the United States. 毕业后,希尔小姐开始在美国不同地方从事戏剧表演。
Rather, they were theatrically trained actors Welles had assembled many years before with his partner and mentor, John Houseman. 相反,它们是戏剧演员威尔斯训练了多年,组装和他的合作伙伴和导师,约翰豪斯曼。
At the kitchen table sat the wizened old man, one eye squeezed theatrically into a squint and the other, sky blue and bulging in my direction, sizing me up sceptically. 这个消瘦的老人坐在餐桌旁,一只眼睛戏剧性半眯着,另一只朝我这个方向鼓起来的天蓝色眼睛,怀疑地打量着我。
'I can not show my face at her house,'he declared theatrically. ‘我不能在她家里露面,’他演戏似的说。
Indeed, while Ms Hermann can appear theatrically enthusiastic, her number-crunching, systematic approach to the product and market analysis reveal her credentials as a graduate of HEC, the elite French business school. 确实,尽管赫尔曼看上去热情得有些做作,她用数字分析产品和市场的系统方式,都显露出作为法国精英商学院巴黎高等商学院(HEC)毕业生的资质。
Al Gore theatrically wipes his brow, feigning exhaustion. 阿尔戈尔(AlGore)夸张地擦去额头汗水,显出精疲力竭的样子。
The minimum heat resistance of structure that prevent surface damping is deduced theatrically based on the building surface damping analysis, then compare it with the one in code and make a personal statement. 在对建筑表面受潮分析的过程中,本文通过理论推导,得到了防止表面受潮的建筑围护结构的最小热阻,并将其与规范中规定最小热阻进行了论述和比较。
Dancing in Fetlers: The Limitation of Theatrically Essential Features on Poetic Elements 戴着脚镣跳舞:戏剧本体特征对诗化要素的制约
The gap between the contemporary accounting information supply ( AIS) and expected accounting information demand ( AID) is larger and larger, basely understanding of motivations, influencing factors and constraining criterions of AIS have its significance practically and theatrically. 现实的会计信息供给和期望的会计信息需求之间的差距日趋扩大,从根本上理清会计信息供给的动机、会计信息供给的影响因素、约束条件和供给边界等问题具有现实意义和理论意义。
Foreign scholars mainly study the cause of the frustration, whereas those in China theatrically focus on the mental characteristics of the frustration and the educational approaches. 国外学者主要以挫折产生的原因作为研究的重点,国内学者则主要在理论上探讨了大学生挫折心理的特点和挫折教育的途径。
Imagination is also a creative thought pattern. It can reorganize various cultural resources theatrically and accordingly develop the creative nature of advertising. 同时,想像是一种富有创造性的思维方式,它能把各种文化资源进行戏剧化的组合,从而提高广告的创意水平,文章从文化想像的视角研究广告具有重要的现实意义。
Bian Zhi-lin is a wit poet. Seeking to "theatrically place" made his poetry art present a kind of "thinking sentience" character. 卞之琳则是智性诗人的典范,他对戏剧性处境的追求使他的诗艺呈现出思想知觉化的特征。
Therefore, studying the information disclosure of internal control of listed commercial banks is very meaningful practically and theatrically. 因此,对我国上市商业银行的内部控制的信息披露进行研究具有十分重要的现实与理论意义。
In view of this, people in jurisprudence and legal theory attempt to explore the reform of discretion theatrically and practically, and achieved a lot. 鉴于此,法学界与司法界都在尝试从理论和实践上进行探讨与改革,并取得不小的成绩。