Stanley Hauerwas is one of the most noted ethicists who has revived Christian virtue ethics and was dubbed as America's best theologist in Time. 哈弗罗斯是当代复兴基督教德性论最并名的代表人物,在《时代》杂志上被誉为“美国最好的神学家”。
In every chapter I chose the important the phenomenon and important theologist and discuss theirs related theological aesthetics propositions. 因而在每章之内,对较为重要的神学家或神学现象中所蕴涵的神学美学思想的论述,基本上都是为了揭示神学美学的独特结构。
The relation between religion and science is perplexing, but not absolutely oppose each other as traditional theologist and religionary philosopher hold for each has values of its own. 宗教与科学的关系,这是一个复杂的问题,但它们并不是传统神学家和宗教哲学家所认为的是绝对对立的,二者各有各的价值。
With the viewpoint of egoism, the paper explores the relation between the mystery and the same argument on the generation, construction, developmental trace, connotation and spiritual character concerning the sense of ego from both Ibsen and Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher and theologist. 易卜生与丹麦哲学家、神学家克尔凯戈尔在自我观念的生成、营构、内涵和精神本质等方面存在共通性,与神秘亦有内在关联。
For instance, with the transition of the knowledge authority from the theologist and metaphysician to modern scientist, the disciplines of university have their ebb and flow accordingly. 如伴随着知识权力从神学家、形而上学家转向近代科学家,大学中的学科也经历相应的盛衰荣辱。
The English theologist, Wycliffe, was the pioneer of the religious reforming movement in Europe. 英国神学家威克里夫是欧洲宗教改革运动的先驱。
As a whole, Bloch was not only a religious theologist, neither one of the middle-of-the-roader, but a Marxist with innovative and transcended characteristics. 总体来说,布洛赫不是宗教神学家,也不是中间派,而是一位具有创新性、超越性的马克思主义者。
Under such historical background, many an outstanding theologist and diplomatist came into being. 在这样的历史背景下,诞生了一批杰出的思想家、外交家,薛福成就是其中杰出的一位。
Bonhoeffer, as a widely influential theologist in 20th century, had completed the mission of Christians in this world with its unique life experiences. 朋霍费尔作为20世纪影响广泛的神学家,以其独特的人生经历完成了基督徒在此世的责任使命。
From the point of Western aesthetics history, he is the last theologist of Ancient Greece and Rome and the first one of Middle Ages, a path breaker of Western Christianity theologist. 从西方美学史角度观之,奥古斯丁是古希腊罗马最后一位、中世纪第一位美学家,西方基督教美学的开创者。