I'm doing a theology degree by distance learning. 我正通过远程教育课程攻读神学学位。
Such is faith: and the science of this faith is Theology. 但神学是研究这种宗教信仰的科学。
It makes use of theology thought of the religion to deify and rule. 秦王朝的统治思想是一种杂家思想,它利用宗教神学思想来神化统治。
These new books on theology might interest you. 这些新的神学书你可能感兴趣。
The branch of theology that deals with sermons and homilies. 研究布道和说教的神学分支。
This indicates that psychology is "a dangerous partner" of theology. 这预示了心理学是宗教神学的“危险伙伴”。
The simple teachings attributed to Jesus become lost in the metaphysical fog of Paul's theology. 归之于耶稣的这些简单教义迷失在了保罗神学中的形而上学迷雾之中。
Goal of the church theology: The Christianization of Chinese culture? 教会,神学的目标:中国文化基督化?
The branch of theology having to do with angels. 天使学神学中与天使有关的一个分支。
He studied theology in Vienna for three years. 他在维也纳读了3年的神学。
This led to a revival of reformed theology in Scotland that impacted the entire English speaking world. 这导致改革宗神学在苏格兰的复兴,冲击了整个英语世界。
Master of Science Philosophy, Theology, Ethics and Contemporary Society. 哲学,神学,伦理与当代社会。
He believes that it is simply not possible to harmonize theology with modern science. 他相信要将神学与现代科学协调起来是绝对不可能的。
It is not a question of theology, it cannot be decided by logical argumentation. 这不是一个神学的问题,它不能被逻辑的论证确定下来。
Training may include courses in biblical studies, theology, contemplation, etc. 培训可包括圣经研究,神学,默祷等课程。
It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. 它应当超越人格化的上帝,避免教条和神学。
Originally students studied mainly theology and the arts; 大学建立初,学生们主要学习神学和艺术;
You see, Biblical studies cannot be separated from doctrine ( systematic theology)! 《圣经》研究与系统神学是不可分开的!
He also completed the course works for master of theology. 他也完成了神学硕士所有的课程。
Harnack was a German historian and theologian, one of the main representatives of liberal Protestant theology. 哈纳克是德国教会史家和神学家,自由主义新教神学的主要代表;
Positivism, a philosophy system established by Comte, is regarded not to embrace theology or metaphysics. 实证主义是孔德确立的关于实证科学的哲学体系,被认为与神学、形而上学互不包容。
Ingeniously integrated aristotle's theory with Christian theology, Aquinas successfully demonstrated the relationship between the reason and belief, and set up mature and systematic theological legal theory based on the combination of will and reason, natural law and divine law. 摘要阿奎那把亚里斯多德的理论与基督教神学巧妙地结合起来,从哲学上论证了理性和信仰的关系,并把意志和理性、自然法和神法结合了起来,创立了完备而系统的神学法学体系。
The Low Opinion of Oneself concept comes from the belief of God in Christian Theology. 基督教神学对上帝的信赖产生了卑视自己的观念。
You are not permitted to wonder about the foundations of morality, or to discuss theology. 不准你对道德的基础提出任何怀疑,不准你探讨神学。
Through a review of Max Weber's thought, Habermas expounds an inherent connection between modernity and "disenchantment" of religion and theology and Western rationalism. 哈贝马斯通过对韦伯思想的考察,阐明了现代性对宗教神学的“祛魅”和西方理性主义的内在联系。
In many cases, they have a general aversion to the idea of elaborate theology. 在许多情况下,他们对阐述精微的神学思想有一种普遍的厌恶。
This theology reveals the convictions and reflections of a late epoch in Israel's religious and historical development. 这揭示了神学信念与思考后时代在以色列的宗教和历史的发展。
Theology, then, is not a science of God, which is impossible, but of his revelation. 神学,那么,是不是一个科学的上帝,这是不可能,但他的启示。
Taoism inheritances and develop the Taoist idea and gives it the color of theology. 道教继承和发展了道家的道论思想,赋予道以神学论色彩。