Evaluation of Therapic Effect of BCG Polysaccharide Nuclear Acid for Chronic Bronchitis Patients 卡介菌多糖核酸治疗慢性支气管炎的疗效评价
Objective: To investigate the clinical therapic procedure and therapic methods of intractable epistaxis in senile and pre-senile patients. 目的:探讨老年前期和老年期顽固性鼻出血的临床治疗步骤和方法。
Methods: The data and therapic procedure of76 patients with intractable epistaxis were analysed retrospectively. 方法:回顾性分析76例老年前期和老年期顽固性鼻出血的治疗资料。
Therapic effect of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in treatment of severe acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema 无创正压通气治疗老年重症急性心源性肺水肿的疗效观察
Therapic effect of rhubarb powder on newborn necrotizing enterocolitis 生大黄粉治疗新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎疗效观察
Objective Discuss the speciality, risks and therapic experience about cholelithiasis combined with cirrhosis. 目的探讨胆石症合并肝硬化手术处理的特殊性、危险性及治疗经验。
Chronic osteomyelitis and therapic effect by transcatheter arterial infusion 慢性骨髓炎的造影表现及动脉内药物灌注
PA form, size, neck length and width, thrombin dose, therapic effect and complications were analysed. 分析PA的形状、大小、颈部长度与宽度、凝血酶剂量、治疗结果以及并发症。
Objective: To investigate the different anterior surgical approach of thoracic vertebrae in distinct segment, the therapic effects of tumors excision procedure, reconstruction technique strategy and prognosis. 目的:探讨不同节段胸椎肿瘤前方手术入路、肿瘤切除术式、前路重建技术策略及预后。
Objective: To evaluate different means in the diagnosis of cervical hyperextension injury with surgical treatment consideration. Method: We analyze the clinical data of 171 cases of obstinate epistaxis in recent years, mainly the pathogeny, treatment consideration and therapic procedure. 目的:评价颈椎过伸性损伤不同诊断方法的价值,并探讨其手术治疗方法。方法与结果:回顾性分析171例顽固性鼻出血患者的临床资料。
Results: 76 patients with intractable epistaxis were cured. The methods involved in the treatment of intractable epistaxis included vaseline gauze and iodoform gauze packing? nasal endoscopic therapic methods of microwave and digital subtraction angiographic embolization. 结果:76例顽固性鼻出血患者全部治愈,其中包括凡士林纱条和碘仿纱条填塞术、鼻内镜下微波治疗术和数字减影血管造影栓塞术。
It is very important for the research nurses to announce the purpose, to prepare and transfuse the agents, to observe the therapic effects and to collect the data in clinical trials of nutrition agents. 在营养制剂的临床试验中,护士对入选患者的宣教、药物配制和输注、疗效观察、收集资料等方面起着重要的作用。
Assistant therapic effect of the botulinum toxin A on tiptoe after cerebral palsy 肉毒杆菌毒素A辅助治疗小儿脑瘫尖足疗效分析
Conclusion To use t-shaped anatomical plate fixation of old colles fractures malformation is a good therapic method. 结论应用T形解剖钢板内固定是治疗陈旧性colles骨折畸形愈合患者较好的方法。
[ Objective] To analyze the clinical diagnosis and therapic level, the clinical manifestation, image manifestation and surgical treatment of the sacral epidural cystis. [目的]结合文献探讨骶部硬膜外囊肿(SEC)的临床表现、影像学特点与外科治疗,以便提高对该病的临床诊断和治疗水平。
To guide reasonably antival therapy in clinic and make therapic remedy, it is necessary for HBV-infected patients before or after antiviral therapy to detect HBV YMDD mutations. HBV感染患者在治疗前后有必要检测是否存在HBVYMDD变异株感染,为指导临床科学合理用药和制定治疗方案提供依据。
[ Objectives] To discuss classification of suprapatellar plica syndrome, its therapic method and curative effect by arthroscopy. 目的探讨膝关节髌上滑膜皱襞综合征的关节镜下分型、治疗方法及疗效。
Objective To investigate the best operative manner, clinical therapic effects, safety and indication of intractable schizophrenia treated with united multi-target derogation operation of stereo localization conducted by CT. 目的探讨CT引导立体定向多靶点联合毁损术治疗伴有冲动攻击行为的难治性精神分裂症的最佳手术方式、临床治疗效果,安全性及其适应证。
Results showed that the improvement rates of every clinical symptom in the therapic group were significantly higher than that in the control group ( P < 0.01). 结果显示,治疗组各临床症状好转率,特别是肢体疼痛、足背动脉波动减弱、肢体皮肤色泽变浅及体位性低血压好转率明显高于对照组,两组比较有显著性差异(P<001);
Objective: To investigate the clinical treatment consideration and the therapic procedure. 目的:探讨顽固性鼻出血的临床处理思路及治疗步骤。
Objective To elevate the clinical diagnostic and therapic level, and to decrease the missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis by liver biopsy. 目的通过肝穿活检肝组织病理,提高对隐源性肝炎的临床诊疗水平,减少漏诊及误诊。
Results Totally 327 therapic areas of 270 patients were treated by 3~ 10 times. All of them were followed 6 to 12 months, no rebirthing hair were observed. Satisfactory results were obtained in 270 patients. 结果本组270例患者327个部位进行了3~10次不等的治疗,随访6~12个月未见毛发再生,效果满意。
Objectives To investigate the therapic effect of Tagamet in prevention of acute gastric mucosa disease combined with gastrorrhagia in critical patients. 目的探讨泰胃美在预防危重病患者急性胃粘膜病变并出血的疗效。
AIM: To establish a convenient and effective animal experimental model in order to study the therapic feasibility of brain ischemia with neural stem cells graft. 目的:建立一个方便、有效的动物实验模型以研究神经干细胞移植治疗脑缺血的可行性。
It was obvious that the therapic effect of double genes was better than that of single gene. TGF-β1和IGF-1双基因的治疗效果优于单基因;
Therapic genes can be transferred to the tumour, or even distant tissues using a variety of vectors administered by intratumoral or intravascular routes. 通过使用各种载体以瘤内或者血管内注射的方法,治疗基因可以转移到肿瘤部位,甚至远处组织。
This essay will introduce the therapic experience of Diabetes Mellitus combined with hypertension by professor YU Shi-jia. 本文将主要介绍于世家教授治疗糖尿病合并高血压的经验。
The further research on the relation of autophagy and apoptosis, introduce autophagy related methods into the therapic strategy, maybe the new route of cancer therapy. 深入研究自噬与凋亡的关系,将细胞自噬相关的治疗方法引入治疗策略之中,很可能会成为肿瘤治疗的一条新的途径。
Surgical intervention was important therapic method of RCC although effect of operation was just 70% to the earlier period and partly RCC. 虽然手术治疗对早期和局部RCC的效果只有70%,但是外科手术治疗仍是RCC的主要治疗方法。
It will not only increase therapic cost but also provoke the dangers of potential resistance. 这不仅增加治疗成本,而且有引起耐药性的危险。